This homeschool family summer wish list will get you going towards an ultimate summer of making memories and having fun for all ages!
So it’s June. And if you’re like me, you let out a big sigh, ready to settle into the summer and just relax for a bit. There are a million thoughts in the back of your mind – things you might like to do with the kids, places you’d like to go – but for now, just for a moment, you want to breathe deep and enjoy the fact that there is nothing on the calendar.
And the next thing you know it is August. School starts and you say, “where did the summer go?”
How To Make a Homeschool Family Summer Wish List
If that sounds like you, make a family To Do/Wish List for the summer. Have everyone contribute their ideas and dreams for what they might like to do this summer. We did this over the weekend and it was so much fun. We set the expectation up front that we will certainly not do everything that is mentioned, but we will definitely do some of it.
I was surprised that 90% of the things our kids came up with were free or cheap and easy to do at home. Catch fireflies… Have a backyard camp out… Play in the sprinklers…
The list makes it so easy for my husband and I to sit down and look at the calendar and be deliberate about how we use our time. And we are excited about the possibility of surprising them with some of the things that they don’t think will happen, like an impromptu trip to the beach.
More Summer Ideas
A Summer Bucket List of Activities Kids Will Love! What about some art around your summer reading? Have fun with the freedom and creativity of art. Throw in some outside time and some treats, and you’ve got the makings of a glorious summer!
Summer Ideas for Kids: A Chalkboard List for Your Family – Read. Just a simple reminder to stop and read to Lil’ Buddy – imagine how far his reading would go if all six of us each read a book with him a day! This is also a prompt for summer reading for our Afternoon Quiet Time.
5 Reasons to Have a Reading Week in Your Homeschool – Here are 5 reasons to have a reading week in your homeschool because this week we have been thoroughly indulging in it. I highly recommend it!
Use Summer To Build Habits in Your Homeschool – Oh summer is for fun! Summer can also be opportunity. See, without all the regular ‘have tos’ of school and extracurricular activities, there is time. That wonderful, empty space on the calendar. But sometimes having more time can be a challenge. So we have found a balance. Summer is when we work on those basic ‘bones’ of our days – all the while having fun and taking an official homeschool break. We use summer to build habits. I encourage you to use summer to build habits as well. Here are a few ideas for you.
Happy Summer!
-by Kendra, Life Untethered, June 2013
Love this! Going to try it with our teenage and college age daughters. It will be interesting to see what they come up with! =)
Thanks for spurring us on Kendra! Love this 🙂