My Nana and I made lemonade pie for Mother’s Day! I got to pour it all into the pie shells. We made two. They tasted DELICIOUS!!!!! You can make them too! Here is the recipe: can of frozen pink lemonade (or limemade or regular lemonade, whatever you like) cool whip (the big, one pound container) […]
Twilight: A Pastels Tutorial
Keeping up the habit of pulling tutorials from the former Hodgepodge site… We’d waited. The box from Dick Blick arrived while Nana was out of town. She had told me it was coming. Can we open it, please? Let’s wait. It will be worth the wait. I knew that she would be back with a […]
Pickled Peach Salad
We enjoyed this pickled peach salad on Easter Sunday at my Aunt Patti’s house. Of course I asked for the recipe! She says, “It is so easy!” It is 2 small packages (or one large one) of lemon jello. Add 2 cups boiling water and stir for 2 minutes. Add one cup of the juice […]
What Preschoolers Like
from the 2009 archives, written by eldest girl when she was 11-years-old. I’ll tell you what preschoolers like to do: Something shocking. You’re lucky if you’re preschooler doesn’t do these things 3-yr-old did… called 911, came inside a complete mess after a day outside (see On a sunny monday) and more. So here are some […]
A Few of My Favorites at The Curriculum Choice and Habits for a Happy Home
I was reminded again why we’ll be heading into our sixth year enjoying Rod and Staff English. Yesterday, third grader and I read… How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103 The assignment to emphasize that when we read God’s word we “should be careful to […]
Rod and Staff English Plus More Favorites
I was reminded again why we’ll be heading into our sixth year enjoying Rod and Staff English. Yesterday, third grader and I read… How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103 The assignment to emphasize that when we read God’s word we “should be careful to […]
On Mother’s Day
Backyard zinnia greets me Saturday at sunset. So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12 2413. On Mother’s Day morning I sit with my cup of coffee and I smile. I. Am Blessed. I think through the whirlwind of the last week. I’m glad to […]
Z is for Zillions
Zillions of Lego®s that is! Raise your hand if you can identify… My entry in the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme. Z!!! Can’t believe it’s the end of the alphabet! Other entries: A is for Angel B is for Brown-Headed Nuthatch C is for Crayon D is for Dough E is for Earthworm […]
Tapestry of Grace at GHEA Convention
This weekly wrap is posted early because this homeschool mama is off at the Georgia Home Educators Association at the Georgia International Convention Center. (I’m in booth #311 if you can stop by!) Hodgepodgedad and our two middle schoolers will get to join me tonight. We’re looking forward to hearing Ken Ham of Answers in […]
CD Cookie: Appreciating Teachers
Several years ago, I read about Happybird’s Crafting Haven using white paper CD sleeves as holders for cookies. Great teacher gifts! We bought a big box of CD sleeves at the warehouse club. (We still have plenty of sleeves to make for teachers this year!) One afternoon, I got out the markers. Everyone decorated. Even […]
Endings and Beginnings
“The end of anything is sad.” I often think of this quote by my grandmother, and lately, it has come to my mind more often. This month, my eldest will graduate from our family homeschool. Twelve years ago, as she finished her kindergarten year, we made some changes. I had a third child, quit my […]
Teacher and Mother’s Day Gifts Roundup
We’re busy getting ready for Mother’s Day. We’ve also been recognizing and thanking teachers. Of course our gifts involve food. And, they have to be easy to do. Give a cake. Two gifts for two special teachers. M&Ms Teacher Appreciation Gift Plenty of wonderful teacher appreciation ideas that work well for mothers too! over at […]
History Help
It’s May already! Time for many of us to wrap up this school year and start thinking about next year. So this month we’ll be spending some time talking about curriculum: what’s new, what’s old, what we love, and maybe what we don’t love. I would describe our home school as “relaxed, but traditional”. I’ve […]