Ready to be encouraged in your journey? Right during the February winter blahs? I urge you, fellow sisters in the homeschool trenches, to make retreat time a priority. Yes it is for you. But have you every thought of how your thirst for encouragement might be refreshed from the Living Water? I’ll share many more […]
Healthy Mama Hodgepodge: Gluten Free Living
Quite sporadically I have shared the blessings and successes of health and diet adjustments at Hodgepodge. You likely know about the allergy challenges we face with our children. But now that it’s been eight months of a diet change, I thought I’d share the triumphs in healthy living for me – the mama. Over the […]
Homeschooling Resources at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party!
Welcome! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party to find the BEST homeschool ideas, resources, projects, and more! You can create a […]
The Hope of Homeschool
The warm sun on my back is such a comfort. It’s a hope of spring days soon to come. This week we had many a warm day mixed with a bit of rain here and there. It was a warm balm after all our wintry wonderland of the past weeks. We knew we needed to […]
Art in the Homeschool
Teaching art in the homeschool. It’s always continuing education for me. But the main way I have built my confidence in teaching art is purely with practice. Just Practice. I had the great privilege of being on a panel of fellow homeschool parents on the topic of Teaching Art in the Homeschool. Fellow +iHomeschool Network […]
Say Yes in Your Homeschool
I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life… Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively! II Corinthians 6:11-13 MSG I’ve grown into the […]
The Catch Up Days of Homeschool
With unusual snow and ice this winter, we’ve had some sidetracks in our homeschool. We’ve needed to ‘catch up’ here and there in different subjects. So this week I decided we would have catch up days. Catch up days are good not only for catching up but also for switching up the routine. Sometimes it […]
Continuing the Habit of Being Daily in the Word
So it’s February already. How are you doing on that daily Bible reading plan you committed to at the beginning of January? I so appreciated Heidi’s post on the Habit of Daily Bible Enrichment at the beginning of January. . . I’m sure you did too. How it is going, though, seriously? Have you kept […]
around the web…February 2014
7 Warning Signs a Leader is About to Crash Brothers We Are Not Amateurs..A Plea for Ministerial Preparation 9 Things You Should Know about Poverty in America How to Jesus Juke a Justin Bieber Story How to Know if you are a Controlling Person In Praise of Fat Pastors Words for the Wind What Makes a […]
The Many Resources of Homeschooling
I’ve just tucked in Littlest Girl and am about to close her door. “Wait! Mama!” she cries urgently. “Tomorrow, can we study the brain? Because I just need to know about what all is up there.” Yes… (Resources pictured above: laptop, Tapestry of Grace Writing Aids, high school student planner, high school Apologia marine biology […]
Free Art Lessons! Olympics, Valentines and More
With the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games this week, we are reminding you about Nana’s free VIDEO art tutorial: How to Draw the Olympic Torch. This chalk pastel art tutorial is great for all ages and can be found at Southern Hodgepodge. Remember that Middle Girl also has a free art tutorial […]
Are your kids suffering from FOMO?
Are your kids suffering from FOMO? FOMO is very common these days among young people. What is FOMO? It’s the “fear of missing out” and it’s very real. FOMO is a social anxiety. It stems from the need to fit in. To be invited to everything. To not miss out on anything. Someone with FOMO will […]
Winter Olympics Resources at Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party!
Welcome! Follow my Olympics Pinterest board! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party to find the BEST homeschool ideas, resources, projects, and […]