What is fistin’? Some of you may think that I have dug deep into my Southern vernacular, but this is a term that I have coined in teaching pastel art. The fistin’ chalk pastel art technique. Fistin’ Chalk Pastel Art Technique What FISTIN’ is…is balling up your fist, turning your fist down so that […]
But chalk pastels get everywhere!
Yes, chalk pastels do get everywhere! It is the nature of the art. Yet there are a few, very simple tips to keep in mind that will ease your fear of messes and ramp up the enjoyment for all. Blessedly messy as we often say. 1. Practice – Yes, simply pulling out the chalk pastels […]
How to Make Sky and Clouds in Chalk Pastels
I think that one of my most favorite subjects to paint with my pastels is clouds and the sky. There are many different forms of sky: dark and threatening, morning-fresh delicate and pale, angry, red-streaked sundown skies….oh, my…just think of what to paint makes my “painting fingers” just itch! There are just a few suggestions […]
Your First Easy Lesson in Chalk Pastel Art
Here at Hodgepodge, we are on a mission to share just how easy and fun chalk pastel art is! We welcome you to this 10 day series of Art for All Ages: Tips and Tutorials. Nana (Lucia Hames) and I will be sharing all sorts of free tutorials, art techniques and encouragement. What we share […]
Learning Spaces at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party!
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
Incorporating iPad and Online Learning into Homeschool
Technology can surely be a wonderful thing! And in this day in age Hodgepodgedad and I feel it is important to incorporate technology in many ways into our homeschool. Now, there certainly needs to be a balance of time away from that technology – true outside and reading-a-book time (why we have a built-in afternoon […]
The Tool Bag
My eldest son turned 14 in May. I was determined to find a birthday gift that would have lasting significance. After looking high and low for a gift, a thought occurred to me. I headed to the garage. I pulled out a practically new tool bag that I had bought some time ago. I had […]
Discounted World of Coca-Cola Ticket Offer for Georgia Residents
Guess what? My fellow Georgia residents need to know about a very special World of Coca-Cola offer! Remember we went to World of Coca-Cola not long ago and got to see the Norman Rockwell original paintings? More details on that exhibit on the World of Coca-Cola website. Oct. 10 through Oct. 31, all Georgia residents […]
High School Resources at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party!
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
No Yeast in the Bread
Communion bread unlike most breads has no yeast in it. In the Bible, yeast/leaven in bread symbolized how sin spreads in a person’s life or in a church or even in a whole nation. After the exodus from Egypt, the Israelites were commanded to eat unleavened bread during Passover week to symbolize their commitment to leave […]
How to Have Instant Success With Art
Encouragement is the key! I want to share a bit of my story as an “artist-teacher” with you today. I have had many teachers in my search for years to find my niche in the world of art. Some good, some excellent….this is the example of how a teaching method almost made me put my […]
10 Favorite Fall Recipes
October means a change in menu. Football, fall, leaves, family gatherings and cooler weather mean these type recipes from our archives… Fun Food for Football Watching by Kim A. – hearty red chili, spinach melts… Barbecue Cups, also by Kim – are simple, quick and delicious! Fallish Fun: Caramel Apples by Kendra – these are […]
LEGO® Education WeDo Robotics Review
Don’t miss the LEGO® Education bricks set giveaway at the end! Build and create with a LEGO Education set and the computer? We knew we’d like it. And the more we experimented, the more we learned, the more we enjoyed! LEGO® Education WeDo Robotics is very easy to use for all our ages and a […]