If you know me, you know I adore the practical. So I am sharing just a few inspirational spots I’ve been fortunate to stumble upon. Join me at Habits for a Happy Home today…
Cooking Fun: Puddin’ Pies
Right before bed one night I opened the Cook Box. Guess what I saw? Mini graham cracker pie crusts and a box of chocolate pudding mix! I asked my mother if I could make them. She said yes! I made the pudding and poured the pudding into the pie crusts. And I took the squirt […]
The Sweatshirt
“One of the greatest gifts that life can give to anyone is the very special love that families share… As the years go by, it’s good to know that there will always be certain people in our lives who care. For there are countless things that only families have in common and memories that no […]
Q is for Quiet Path
Back last June, on our anniversary weekend, my husband and I took a walk down this quiet path. The weekend of the 48 hour house swap. The weekend we celebrated 15 years. My entry in the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme. Other entries: A is for Angel B is for Brown-Headed Nuthatch C […]
Homeschool Highlights
Children played the piano, violin, guitar. They danced, they sang, they performed. One did a back flip – twice! Tables were filled with the children’s best efforts. School work, history and science projects. Families all laughed and cheered together. This annual Homeschool Expo with our homeschool group is much anticipated. It’s a goal, a celebration […]
Brittney’s Biscuits
The most highly requested, melt-in-your-mouth, makes you want to eat half a dozen, sour cream biscuits. My sister-in-law, Brittney, blesses us with these. Let’s hear it for three ingredients! MMMM Brittney’s Butter Biscuits 2 cups Bisquick 1 stick butter (melted) 1 cup room temp sour cream Mix together. Spray muffin tin with non-stick spray. Bake […]
Homeschool Expo, Science Fair, Talent Show
So, for weeks I’ve been talking about how we have been aiming for Homeschool Expo. How our days are just the basics. Math and then work on display boards and projects. Well, and a few other benefits of homeschooling. This week, it all came together. 7th grade science project – check! 6th grade science project […]
Resurrection Rolls
Since Easter is just around the corner I thought I would post our recipe for Resurrection Rolls. I hope it will be a great addition to your Easter celebration. Enjoy! Resurrection Rolls Recipe Preheat Oven to 350 degrees Ingredients: Crescent rolls Melted butter Large marshmallows Cinnamon Sugar Give each child a triangle of crescent rolls. The […]
Lime Cake: $5 Dinners
I’m sharing our favorite spring green, celebratory cake at $5 Dinners today! Any cake with more than two layers is a special celebratory cake in my cookbook. A spring green cake even more so. At the first sign of brilliant blue skies, I start to think of making my Aunt Kathy’s Lime Cake. Will it […]
First Love
When you first fall in love; you want to be with that special someone as much as possible, you want to know everything about them, you want to look at them, hold them, be held by them, you simple want them. The past couple of months it is like I have fallen in love all […]
The Habit of Moral Living – Part II
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others. –1 Corinthians 10:23-24 Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian […]
The Habit of Moral Living – Part II
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others. –1 Corinthians 10:23-24 Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian […]
Sugarless Bars: Arthritis Friendly Living
Raise your hand if you’ve homeschooled without coffee and chocolate. {Raising my hand.} Back in January I shared about my challenge with arthritis in Awaking to the Aching. Guess what? My aunt saw my post and shared her success story. See, she also has had arthritis for lengthy time. Well, her doctor put her on […]