Owl City is one of my very favorite singers. No, it is not a band. It consists of one person, Adam Young. I have pretty much all of his album Ocean Eyes, and it is amazing. He just recently recorded his own version of In Christ Alone.
Agricultural Heritage Days
Our homeschool group went on a field trip to Agricultural Heritage Days yesterday.We learned a bunch about 1930 – 1960. I really liked the farm animals. Here are some pictures: That’s all for today!
Kid of the week
hi I am back!!!!!!!!!!! and we have a treehouse at our church and that is why I am here to tell you about it! I was a kid of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!! and there were 3 other kids too but it was fun fun fun!!!!!!!!!!!well here is how it works……………….. the computer randomly chooses four kids […]
Where I have seen Jesus this Season
And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth. John 1:14 Where have I seen Jesus this […]
Thanksgiving Tips I’m Thankful For
Imagine going to bed Thanksgiving Eve and sleeping in Thanksgiving morning. I always thought you had to get up at 5 a.m. on Thanksgiving to wrestle with a raw bird. That is until I found two recipes from Southern Plate. And boy am I thankful! I followed Christy’s instructions for making dressing in the crock […]
Christmas resources
With Christmas coming up before we know it I thought I would link up some resources we have used or come across over the years that have helped us as a family focus on the true meaning of season. We have always given our children three gifts at Christmas based on the example of the three gifts […]
Christmas………how we celebrate
Post from 12/2009 We celebrate Christmas by solemnly and joyfully reflecting on the real reason for this Season. The reason is our Messiah ….. Emmanual……God with us!! We celebrate because of Christ, we celebrate HIM, we celebrate His Father, His beginning, His family tree, His heritage, His birth, His character, His love, His forgiveness, His purpose, His life, His words, […]
Habits visits The Homeschool Village
Click over to The Homeschool Village today. I’m sharing my very first post from Habits for a Happy Home, Practical Prayer. The community helpers puzzle. Its pieces dumped in the floor, again. I find myself frustrated, again. Frustrated to pick up the pieces and frustrated we were all sick. Frustrated we couldn’t get […]
A few of my favorite things
I’ve written about some of my favorite books and other resources in the past. I thought I’d put them all together here. (That’s my littlest brother pointing to an airplane in the photo above). Nancy Rue ~ February 09 I’ve been rereading the books of hers that I have, such as the It’s MY Life […]
Bonus recipe – Taffy Apple Dip
Coming off of a crazy vacation left little time for a new post, so I thought I’d share a great fall (or anytime!) recipe from my mom’s recipe box that has become a staple in mine. It’s about as quick to make as it is to type 🙂 Taffy Apple Dip Ingredients: 8 oz cream […]
Big 6 Great Dates
Part Two of Dating Your Husband When I was a young, silly, new mother, my mother did something that blessed my marriage. She saw the overwhelm disguised as ‘sure, I know how to handle all this.’ And she offered my husband and me a weekly date night. She set the terms. She gently explained that, […]
Thanks to Our September Top Ten
The ladies here at Habits for a Happy Home are following the Homeschool Classroom‘s example once again in thanking our top ten referrers last month. Thank you friends! 1. Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers 2. Sprittibee – Thanks for hosting a great Carnival of Homeschooling featuring homeschool classrooms! 3. Google 4. Twitter – Follow Habits for a […]
Mexican chicken
Mexican Chicken 2 lbs. boneless chicken (cooked) 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 can cream of chicken soup 1/2 can rotel 3/4 lb. grated cheese 1/2 t garlic powder 1 small onion 1 pkg. four tortillas 1 t chili powder Cut chicken into bite size pieces. Saute small onion (chopped) in a small amount […]