Everybody thinks Adventures in Odyssey is for little kids. Sadly, until about a year ago, I did too. Until I heard an episode of it via His Kids Radio on SkyAngel. And let me tell you, it is NOT for little kids. For Christmas, I received the Adventures in Odyssey Official Guide and Producer’s picks […]
Gulf Fritillary – The Release
The above photo is of me gently releasing a gulf fritillary butterfly. I had been catching them from the top of Nana’s zinnias.This past Saturday, our butterfly emerged from its chrysalis. The next afternoon, we released it. It shot up quickly. Here’s a 33 second video of the release.
The Habit of Using Coupons: Guest Post by Heidi Stearns
Heidi is a friend of my heart. We share many common interests. We homeschool together, attend the same church, have taught children’s choir together. Even our children match in ages – and are best of friends. Plus, we love to save money. May I introduce to you the one everyone admiringly calls… The Coupon Queen. […]
Family Camp: Guest Post by Phyllis Bergenholtz
Just this week I joked with Phyllis that she was part of my continuing education. But it’s true. She and her family do so many wonderful learning activities that truly educate me. Not only in the ways of homeschooling but in the ways of joy. Of making memories. On her blog, All Things Beautiful, Phyllis […]
The freedom of frugal living
Every now and then I need to make fun of myself. See, I’m afraid I’ve become that stereotype. That bread-baking, homeschooling, make-your-own mixes type of mama. Really, it was a slow, years-in-the-making process. Now, simple, money-saving steps are just part of my life. First we started homeschooling. From our third child on, cloth diapers saved […]
holding on to summer
In two weeks, I will begin my 14th year of homeschooling and I have yet to order any of my schoolbooks. That would not have been the case just a few years ago. I spent the summer getting ready for the new school year and I usually had all my books bought and ready by […]
Staying focused on Christ in seasons of little money pt. 2
This is the second part of Trisha’s post from yesterday and it is chock full of good stuff! If you missed part one, check it out first, then hurry back here for a blessing! Pray for perspective change! ~ Facebook, Twitter and blogs are good but on bad days can be a curse. I get […]
Gulf Fritillary Caterpillar Reports Part 1
Wednesday 8/4Gulf fritillary caterpillar and passion vine from Aunt Mary Ann. Thursday 8/5 Caterpillar found on floor. Friday 8/6 Habitat in place. Tuesday 8/10Caterpillar forming chrysalis. Wednesday 8/11Chrysalis looks like a dried up leaf – camouflage! More reports tomorrow.
Staying focused on Christ in seasons of little money pt.1
Today’s guest post comes from a sweet friend, whom I’ve known for several years, since my girls took dance through her dance ministry. Her heart for family and for the Lord overflows into all she does and I am thrilled that she agreed to share what she’s learning on Habits. You can read more about […]
Deliberate Delight – Nature Study
“Make this summer a time to learn a little something new about your world. Finding time for these challenges will help this summer be one that your child will not only learn something new but make special seasonal memories for a lifetime.” – Barbara McCoy Lightening bugs. Frogs. Raccoons. Owls. Mosquitoes. Ants. Trees. Weather. Even […]
Homemade Laundry Detergent
I’ve heard about this for a while. Yet it just sounded so… ‘too much.’ But then my mother started making it for herself. She brought us a gallon jug to try. Homemade laundry detergent. And it smelled good too. I started calculating in my head the cost of laundry detergent. That allergen-free kind we get […]
Help! I’m Organizationally Challenged! Guest Post by Vicki Bentley of HSLDA
“You can’t change what you have or haven’t already done over the past year. Just start where you are, ask the Lord to make you a “joyful mother of children,” pray for grace and wisdom (and strength and patience), and move forward.” ~ Vicki Bentley, HSLDA Early Years Coordinator I read the quote above in […]
First day of school memories
All our school photos from 2001 to 2010. Moments. Each one of these photos. A simple habit to preserve memories. A picture taken at about the same time every year. Whatever sort of school your child attends. Preserving the dimple of a baby hand… The short hairstyle of that year… The not-quite-grown-into outfit of a […]