Habit of getting serious You can send your child to the best schools available. You can use the best curriculum or teaching style. You can keep them busy with field trips and service projects, and every sport available. You can even take them to church every Sunday. However, it you are not striving to imitate […]
Habit Formation: What about our own Habits?
What about our own Habits? “Each of us has in his possession an exceedingly good servant or a very bad master, known as Habit” (Vol. 4, Book 1, p. 208). “Every day, every hour, the parents are either passively or actively forming those habits in their children upon which, more than upon anything else, future […]
Back to basics: big-shop cooking
I must be honest. I’m not a true once-a-month cook. I tried. I strived (or strove). But it wasn’t easy. So instead of once-a-month cooking, I break cooking down into easy pieces and parts. We’ve talked about fixing simple suppers and doubling recipes. The other sock-it-away strategy I use is when-you-do-the-big-shop-cooking. Big-shop cooking came about […]
They have been with Jesus
While driving home from church one Sunday I overheard the following conversation. Eight year old, ” Oh, no I can’t find my God time card. I know I put it in my Bible.” From the back of the van seven year old yells to eight year old…. ” You just need to dig deeper into […]
Habit Formation
This relation of habit to human life––as the rails on which it runs to a locomotive––is perhaps the most suggestive and helpful to the educator; for just as it is on the whole easier for the locomotive to pursue its way on the rails than to take a disastrous run off them, so it is […]
Back to basics: vacation planning
The habit of doubling a recipe I often have pep talks with myself while I’m in the kitchen. Something like this: “Well, now look, silly. You already have all the ingredients out. You’ve already dirtied the mixing bowls making this casserole.” Or this: “Why would you put those unused portions away for another time? Use […]
Perspective can change everything
I came across this quote the other morning. I love the perspective it challenges us with. Rather than saying “God, here is my problem,” we should put the problem into perspective by saying, “Problem, here is my God! ~Anonymous Let us be in the habit of keeping a God sized perspective. by Kim Whipple Save […]
Planning to be spontaneous – the inevitable
I know last week I said that we would talk about budgeting today, but I would like to beg your pardon and ask a question today, instead. We’ll visit the topic of budgeting next week. For now, here is my question: What is more certain and yet more spontaneous than death? We will all die […]
The Habit of Walking with HIM, no matter what!
Even though I am WALKING with HIM there are so many times that I immediately think of the worst thing when my kids get sick? Why do I pray for God to heal my kids, hubby or myself and while I pray the thought pops up “what if He doesn’t”? Why do I get anxious for no […]
Back to basics: simple suppers
So you’ve started back with the basics. Slow and easy. Or maybe not. Maybe, like me, you are feeling a bit like Humpty Dumpty, picking up the pieces? Hopefully, you caught a bit of back to school joy. However your days are going, you still have mouths to feed. Basic meal time. We all have […]
The Habit of Saying Yes
I read this article at A Holy Experience last week and it has been on my mind continually since. I really can’t say this any better than she already has, so if you haven’t already, please take the time to read When You Can’t Figure Out What the Answer Should Be. Praying this will be […]
Bedtime lesson
The habit of seizing teachable moments “Daddy, how does God talk?” I was tucking my three-year-old girl into bed when she asked this question. I explained that God does not talk in a way that we would hear, like talking to another person. God has left us His instructions in the Bible. He can place […]
Back to basics
I desperately tried to make the last week of December slow down. It didn’t work. The clock struck twelve, the ball dropped and the calendar was flipped to 2010. Now here we are. Back to school. Why is it we don’t look at January back to school time with the same anticipation and enthusiasm as […]