Welcome to the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! In honor of Mother’s Day, I am featuring fellow homeschool mamas! —> fellow hostesses of the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals, Jenn @ Daze of Adventure, Toni @ The Happy Housewife, Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are […]
Georgia Civil War Field Trips and Resources
“I was reading the Gettysburg Address – that big, long speech by Abraham Lincoln. It was amazing.” ~ my 2nd grader This homeschool year we’ve been studying the Civil War as part of our Tapestry of Grace studies. It just so happens that 2014 is the 150th anniversary of the Civil War here on Georgia […]
A Hodgepodge View of Homeschooling From Multiple Ages
If you give a child an iPhone and ask him to snap a few photos of what he enjoys about homeschooling, this is what you might get. Each of my children offer a snapshot into their homeschool life today. From kindergarten to elementary and middle to high school… This homeschool moment brought to you by […]
Free and Frugal at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome to the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! –>> Follow my Frugal Living Pinterest board! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party to […]
Helpful Homeschool Habit: Stick with What Works
Now and then I have tried a new curriculum because of a review I read or because it was the latest, greatest thing homeschoolers were raving about. Sometimes that worked, sometimes not. Today I am sharing those things we’ve made a habit of sticking with. As I mentioned last week, there are curriculum talks and […]
Rod and Staff English
My friend Lauren sent me a question about Rod and Staff English. We do dearly love Rod and Staff English and have now officially used every year available – from 2nd grade to 10th! I asked Lauren if I might share our discussion here, in case others are considering Rod and Staff for their homeschools. […]
Our Experience with Teaching Textbooks
A dear reader, Tracy, asked a question about how we use Teaching Textbooks in our homeschool. Question about Teaching Textbooks: I remember reading that you use Teaching Textbooks (TT) for at least some of your children. I currently have two using A Beka Math (finishing up 2nd grade and kindergarten), plus I have a toddler. […]
Homeschool Writing Resources at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome to The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! –> Follow my Language & Writing Pinterest board! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party […]
Helpful Homeschool Habit: The End in Mind
You may have noticed that things have been quieter here at Hodgepodge. That’s because we are focusing hard on finishing well this school year. We are also in the thick of preparations for end-of-the-year recitals, programs and more. The end of the homeschool year is so very close! But I also wanted to share with […]
Free Classic Spring Chalk Art Tutorials
A dear reader asked me about the Impressionism with Chalk Pastels tutorial of Claude Monet’s bridge. That particular tutorial was free to subscribers this time last year. That got me thinking. There are a couple of spring time, subscriber only, free tutorials that we consider classics. Free Art Tutorials and Lessons Pinterest board And so, […]
Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome to The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! –> Follow the Middle School board by The Curriculum Choice authors! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is […]
Helpful Homeschool Habits for Facing Obstacles
Keeping up the habit of sharing some helpful homeschool habits on Fridays! Wondering just how to get some learning done when half of you have been taken over by spring time pollen? Or some other sickness? Or some other challenge? Or the simple fact that there are the needs of the age range to attend […]
Spring and Easter Arts and Crafts – The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome! —> Follow my Spring Art and Easter/Spring Pinterest boards! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party to find the BEST homeschool […]