Today we are going to go on an art adventure! Most of our lessons are of everyday objects, landscapes and such, but in this tutorial we are going to paint an impressionistic type painting in the style of the great French artist Henri Matisse. A Matisse chalk pastel art tutorial. This is a famous and […]
Around the web…January 2014
The year in pictures 2013 10 Things I Would Tell My Eighteen Year Old Self 10 Times it’s Wise to Hold Your Tongue He Said He Was Leaving She Ignored Him 22 Productivity Principles from the Book of Proverbs I Offended You So What Conviction that does not lead to confession is shallow. It may […]
Homeschool Programming KidCoder Series Review
It has always been our desire that our children would be proficient at using the computer. Not only that but our goal is an understanding of how the technology we use works – as well as the programming part. ~Don’t miss the giveaway at the end! Plus, Hodgepodgedad has a review and giveaway of the […]
Books, Books, Books at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party!
Welcome! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party to find the BEST homeschool ideas, resources, projects, and more! You can create a […]
Fresh Possibilities
Don’t you love the new year? So fresh with possibilities! Do you make the same New Year’s Resolutions every year? I usually always vow to lose weight. Well, I haven’t ever stayed on a diet I started on Jan 1, and haven’t lost weight successfully for years now. But once again, I find myself starting […]
What Do Your ‘Extra Days’ Look Like?
This week we are slowly building back up to a full routine after our Christmas break. Taking a true Return of the Routine approach (do you have my free ebook?) Were you like us and stayed up way too late and slept in some? We truly took a holiday. But while we are returning to […]
The Habit of Daily Bible Enrichment
We always feel closer to God when we are in the Word on a daily basis. So, why do we struggle to finish reading plans or complete daily scheduled devotionals at times? I have learned a few things over the years that have helped me to be more successful when it comes to daily Bible commitments. I hope these tips will […]
Simple Two Ingredient Slow Cooker Meals
I love my slow cooker for simple, delicious meals. It works on supper while the rest of us go about our day. My slow cooker is the best for back to school time, for comfort food and for batch cooking main ingredients. And I am not one for a long list of ingredients. So, lately, […]
Winter Fun at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party to find the BEST homeschool ideas, resources, projects, and more! You can create a […]
A Hodgepodge of Guest Posts and Appearances in 2013
This past year I spent some time at places other than Hodgepodge. And it was a hodgepodge of writing, art tutorials and guest appearances I was absolutely honored to be a part of. I enjoy encouraging fellow families. Today, I am sharing my writings and interviews from 2013 (well, and one from 2014!) – all […]
When God’s Plans Don’t Look Like Your Plans
A while back I blogged about the empty nest and how it shouldn’t be something that we avoid or dread. That as couples, we should almost rejoice when we have an empty nest because it affords us an opportunity to spend time with our spouses alone and to get to know them again on a […]
A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels: Winter Olympics Art Curriculum
Now Available! Celebrate the Olympics with art! A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels: Olympics is for beginning or continuing art lessons in the chalk pastel medium. Just $4.99 What’s included in this art curriculum? Encouragement for getting started with chalk pastels, a simple supply list and… NEW Tutorials! Olympic torch bobsled downhill skier Olympic skate […]
Around the web… December 2013
A Walk One Winter Night Drummer Boy Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people. Luke 1:68 littlesanctuary~Kim