Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams […]
Volcano Chalk Pastel Tutorial
This pastel is an especially fun one! Think of a tropical island….blue water and sky….and….an exploding volcano! Yes, you adventure lovers, here is your chance to take your pastels and transport to this exciting natural phenomenon: the sky-splitting, fire belching volcano!! Download your free Volcano Chalk Pastel Tutorial today. Subscribers will find it at the […]
Review: Home Art Studio For Multiple Ages
Don’t miss the giveaway at the end – enter to win the full set of Home Art Studio – all grades! Would you appreciate a simple and easy way to add art to your days? Home Art Studio offers just that. With Home Art Studio, all I needed to do was clear the table, gather […]
Hearts and Trees: Art, Handicrafts and Nature Study for Your Homeschool
Hearts and Trees brings happy times to our homeschool. Just the right, enriching activity that we seem to need at the time. Back when most were sick in the thick of winter, Middle Girl made this beautiful tissue paper star! It cheered us all. All the items you need with just a few you already […]
Ode to Coffee
COFFEE That warm creamy Vanilla-Caramel cup of goodness. You are to me relaxation and peacefulness in liquid form. I prefer you when you are full of that most special part of you, though if I have to, I will take you when you’re not quite yourself. I need you in the morning, it may […]
How to Savor Parenting: Three Steps
Following is something I shared when I spoke with fellow moms at a local homeschool group last week. Today, I share it at Passionate Purposeful Parenting… Being a parent is hard. We face the task of raising little ones, pre-teens or young adults – or all three in my case! We search for answers to […]
February around the web
What Your Pastor Tells His Wife about You The Millennial Generation’s Acceptable Sin – The Gospel Coalition Blog Given Tablets but No Teachers, Ethiopian Children Teach Themselves | MIT Technology Review You Asked: How Do We Know if God Is Disciplining Us? How Significant is Our National Debt, and What Are Its Implications? Baptist Press […]
Wind in the Tree Chalk Pastel Tutorial: Art in Motion
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” ~ Pablo Picasso This is one of my absolute favorite pastels! The lines are simple; the flow of the bending tree limbs is instantly recognizable to the viewer. You can draw this picture on any size of paper; […]
Technology in Homeschool
If you missed yesterday’s post, I shared about this week’s Tapestry of Grace studies along with my answer to a reader’s question. Tapestry is a unit study approach for the whole family. It works so well for our age range of children. So, in today’s weekly wrap, I’m offering glimpses into the rest of our […]
Tapestry of Grace: How Does It All Flow?
Recently, Janeen asked a Tapestry of Grace (TOG) question: I am interested in starting my family with Tapestry of Grace after reading your posts and reviews of the program. I went to their site and have read and watched everything I can. I really want to start implementing this with my kids right away. I […]
Let Your Light Shine
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they […]
Inspirational Art Quotes – Vincent Van Gogh
“Can I paint?” my youngest child asked. I pulled out the palette, placed the paper in front of him. The rest of the children joined in too. When he finished he said his painting was called ‘Tornado in Space.’ You can tell by looking at it the fun he had making swirls in different colors. […]
Slow Cooker Batch Cooking ebook
For you, dear friends. Slow Cooker Batch Cooking is the one tip that continues to save our supper. In this free ebook I’ve compiled the how tos for batch cooking ground turkey, beef and chicken in the slow cooker. Save supper with this simple slow cooker strategy. Save money! Family meal time is easy and […]