I share the benefits of homeschooling all the time. But today, it’s the children making a top ten list of the reasons they like being homeschooled. Since we have five children, it only seemed fair and mathematical to ask them to each share two reasons. 1. School outside. {translation: enjoy those pretty days} 2. Takes […]
Simple, Frugal Ways to Celebrate an Anniversary
This past weekend Hodgepodgedad and I celebrated 17 years of marriage! It was a simple celebration spanning a few days. Because celebrating need not be elaborate and doesn’t have to break the bank. Picnic at the Park. Friday night we went through the Chick-fil-a and the Starbucks drive-thrus. We took our picnic of chicken cool […]
Surviving Life with Boys: Managing the Noise
On Good Friday evening, I sat with my husband and our four boys in one of the farther back rows in church, and noticed something amazing. There was a row of sweet girls sitting in front of us, sitting still and quiet, and the lone boy in the row was kicking his feet and bouncing […]
Precious Memories
May 17. It is 6 months since that terrible night, when I got the call that my daughter had been critically injured while out viewing the stars on a train trestle with 4 friends. Sometimes when I look at her, I am breathless, hardly comprehending that she is still here with me after what she’s been through. […]
Homeschool Makeover Series and Celebrating Summer
I’ve been sharing the stages of our homeschool makeover over the last months. Summer is the best time for assessing and reworking homeschool spaces, I think. Today, my helpful homeschool tip to share…Decorating and displaying the frugal way! Each year we contribute many entries in our state fair. Art pieces, flowers, baked goods, photographs. With […]
Sandpiper Shore Bird: A Chalk Pastel Tutorial
On a lazy afternoon at the beach the children and I decided to draw a sandpiper – after seeing these fast and delightful birds all morning swooping down and racing the waves. We assembled our limited color palette of pastels. We just couldn’t pack everything! I drew a large bird shape on a piece of […]
Hodgepodge Top Ten Must Have Items
Today I’m listing a hodgepodge of Top Ten Must Have items for Homeschooling. I’m spending 10 weeks sharing Top 10 lists with other homeschoolers at iHomeschoolNetwork. It’s a 10 in 10! I do have to say for this list that ‘items’ such as coffee, chocolate and date night with Hodgepodgedad are a given. Well, and […]
Golden Days of Parenthood
Don’t miss the links to parenting resources at the end… Oct 2010 I hear his little feet coming around the corner. It’s busy, in-the-thick-of-it Sunday morning. I’m putting the ingredients in the crock pot for our lunch. His Daddy has dressed him. He’s ready to go. So he runs, pounding little shoes and slams full […]
Southern Shrimp Salad
It was almost biblical…six or eight cold boiled shrimp left from a feast at supper the night before. A hungry horde to feed, a 5:00 dinner challenge… A wonderful, very easy recipe was given to us by true south Georgian gentleman…a sort of “five fishes” type for limited leftovers. It was his late mother’s concoction […]
Are You a Peeper/Chirper or a Hisser/Growler?
I love the warmer days of spring that melt into the hot days of summer. When I walk my Chihuahua in the morning quiet of my backyard (after the school buses have run and the noisy neighbors have retreated to the confines of their homes), I enjoy the blooming snowball bush that was my mother’s […]
Mama on Vacation: Planning and Goal Setting
In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength… Isaiah 30:15 As mothers we sometimes live in the urgent. This hungry child, that weepy one, another needing a push on the swing… However, it’s beneficial to step out of the urgent into the quiet, out of our regular spot […]
Mama on Vacation: Save Your Sanity
The tip that has stuck with me throughout my parenthood. My grandmother shared it with me when I was a young mother. Each summer she loaded up her four children and took them down to the beach for several weeks at a time. Back before air conditioning and microwaves. She developed many a survival strategy […]
Mama on Vacation: On the Road
Load ‘em up. Head on out. What’s a mama to do to keep her crew entertained until the bursting out at the blessed destination? Here are some easy, inexpensive ideas we’ve called on a bunch. My very favorite one is to use headphones. Yes, mamas would secretly all love to block out the noise. But […]