Homeschool nature study opens the door wide to joy and building memories with your children! The weekly Outdoor Hour Challenges for learning and fun bless all ages. Yes, you too, homeschool mama!
These are the very nature studies my children and I started homeschooling with. To us, they are deliberate delight!

From my full review in 2011: Just about once a week, we deliberately studied nature. But really, the children and I didn’t think of it as study. It was our summer fun. To take notice right when everything is growing, blooming and croaking.
More Outdoor Hour Challenge Encouragement here at Your Best Homeschool
Over the years, my children and I have enjoyed so many nature studies. Here are a few from the archives:
- How to Frame Your Days with Nature Study
- The Gift of Nature Study
- Cultivating Curiosity with Nature Study in Your Homeschool
and MORE!
What is an Outdoor Hour Challenge for Homeschool Nature Study?
Simply the idea of getting outside for a short while, in your own backyard – to enjoy, to observe and maybe to learn something new. Any time of year. The Outdoor Hour Challenges are hosted by Homeschool Nature Study – one of our sister sites.
You can download Getting Started – Nature Close to Home for FREE which helps you get started in homeschool nature study and outlines how to participate in the Outdoor Hour Challenges.
“Make this a time to learn a little something new about your world. Finding time for these challenges will help this season be one that your child will not only learn something new but make special memories for a lifetime.” – Barbara McCoy (founder of The Outdoor Hour Challenges)
When Barbara McCoy retired, I knew that these gentle nature studies needed to still be available to homeschool famillies like mine. I shared a short introductory video, below:
That is why we are now offering Homeschool Nature Study and your Outdoor Hour Challenge hostess, Shirley Vels, has joined us!
New Outdoor Hour Challenge Every Friday
Shirley Vels, your Outdoor Hour Challenge hostess, shares about how there is a new Outdoor Hour Challenge Nature Study each Friday. She also talks about how these nature studies bring The Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool.
Nature Study Plans Available!
Shirley and I are always planning something new for you! The new plans for the homeschool year are available each July so that members will know the topics ahead of time and can plan even more fun learning.
We even have some new series coming soon…
New Outdoor Mom Series
Because nature study is for parents too, we have a new series starting in membership. These simple prompts will bring you joy, help you notice beauty and encourage you as you model nature study for your children.
New Nature Crafts Series
In addition to the Outdoor Mom series, we will also be offering a new Nature Crafts series for members. We are so excited about both of these offerings!
Nature Study in Your Own Backyard and Nature Journaling with Outdoor Hour Challenges
To get each Friday’s homeschool nature study Outdoor Hour Challenge and for access to a continuing series of new nature studies, join us in Homeschool Nature Study Membership. With homeschool nature study membership, you will have everything you need to bring the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool.
Join Homeschool Nature Study Membership Today!
Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!
Join Us For Your Best Homeschool
We are having FUN all week! Be sure to SIGN UP to access all the bonus materials and to know where to reach video sessions. And please invite your friends!
Did you enjoy learning more about the Homeschool Nature Study with the Outdoor Hour Challenges with Shirley and Tricia? Be sure to comment here and let us know!
Be sure to tag us on Instagram with your outdoor time @outdoorhourchallenge and use the hashtag #outdoorhourchallenge so we can see and comment!
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