Before reading this post, please read the rest of the series on the Habit of Moral Living. In part IV of the series, Willful Ignorance, I said that this time, we’d look at extreme examples of people whose actions indicate that God has abandoned them to defective thinking. They are disturbing to those of us who […]
K is for Kitty
Our sweet kitty named Spock. He’s almost 15 years old! My entry in the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme. Hi! My name is Luci, and I am 13 years old. I love Jesus with all my heart ♥ I have a passion for photography and music. ~Music, Markers & Musings.
Camera Phone Fun
After trying out wearing ‘homemade’ curlers to bed, Middle Girl declared, ‘I look like James Madison!’ I’ve only recently discovered how easy and fun it is to take phone photos. My children found this out a while ago. Carting my phone off and producing videos of major length and many, many photos of crazy, smiling […]
Cookies & Cream at $5 Dinners
No bake. Three ingredients. Guaranteed hit. Plus, it is so much fun for children to make! All I have to do is get the ingredients out and instantly there appear volunteers from the audience. Dressed the part even! Chef hat and all. The children are cooking up some frugal fun over at $5 Dinners today […]
Sparklers: A Pastels Tutorial
It’s time to paint a sparklers chalk pastel painting! I would never have known the amount of color wrapped up in a sparkler had it not been for Nana’s celebratory pastel. We peeked ahead to the July family calendar page. See all those sparklers? Here’s where the Independence Day and celebratory fun starts! Nana used […]
Bird watching
Bird watching. It’s what we do. Especially eldest boy, above. He’s the one that fills the feeders and makes the homemade suet. Today we share some favorite backyard bird spottings for June: The gold finches are back and they’ve found the sunflowers! Two posing doves (makes me want to sing a Christmas song). Then a […]
Yes to VBS!
Yes to the blessing of studying God’s Word. Yes to the best thing…Jesus is Lord! Our favorite thing about summer…VBS! The boys and I look forward to it every year! I have been teaching VBS since my oldest son was 3. Let’s see? We have been a part of Game Day Central…Outrigger Island…Boomerang Express…Saddle Ridge […]
Southern Cheese Straws Recipe
My cousin, Jessica, made these delicious cheese straws for our cousin’s Bridesmaids Luncheon. Cheese straws are a simple pleasure, come in all sorts of shapes and designs and are a tradition in the south. Here is Jessica’s southern cheese straws recipe. What would a ladies luncheon be without cheese straws? Jessica’s Southern Cheese Straws Recipe […]
Strawberries and Bananas: A Pastels Tutorial
Strawberries and bananas just go together. Well, so do strawberries and whipped cream. Strawberries and pound cake. Well, anyway, you get the idea. Back when Nana drew the steps for a watermelon pastel and a blueberry pastel, she also created… a strawberry and… a banana pastel lesson! Today, we’ll begin with the strawberry. Start by […]
The Habit of Picture Ministry
I always say that it is in the happy habits that already exist in our home that I find freedom. What I am sharing today is the very simple answer the Lord gave me to one of those questions I nag myself with. And the answer came through my mother and my aunt honoring their […]
Picture Ministry: (in)courage
Are you like me? Sometimes I beat myself up for not helping enough. Why don’t I set the example for my children and help in our community more? Volunteer, give, donate my time? And, if you are like me, you may find it difficult to find a practical way to do such a thing with […]
Remember my name
I’m stacking clean spoons in their spot in the silverware drawer, thinking of supper. She comes and twirls. Lands beside me. “I fixed something Mama.” “Mmm. Hmmm,” I mumble, still unloading the silverware. “I put it around my neck. See?” I turn and look. It’s one of those name tag badge lanyards. Then she says, […]
Photo Fun
Eldest Girl and I have both enjoyed some photo fun this week. She joined the A B See Photo Meme at the Homeschool Post. It was fun to watch her get all excited scrolling through her photos and putting a letter of the alphabet with her favorites. We were pleased when her first entry, C […]