Here is what a frog homeschool nature study looks like with ideas for further follow up after your outdoor time. The unexpected nature studies just may be the finest kind. Fabulous Find of the Frog Kind This morning was a regular sort of morning. The August mornings when we finish up the basics then head […]
A House for Hermit Crab Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
This painting can be done with either pastels or acrylic paints. Our A House for Hermit Crab Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial is in the style of a well-loved book by Eric Carle called A House for Hermit Crab. A House for Hermit Crab Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial You will need the following colors: red, brown, […]
Game Night
A family game night is a wonderful habit that I’m sure a lot of us are already doing. But today I wanted to share what we have done that might be a little different. The Habit of Family Game Night We try to have family game night on Fridays. If your house is anything like […]
Summer Camp at Home Update
Morning devotions, praise and worship songs, crafts, nature, art, snacks, sleeping bags, s’mores and more! Sound like summer camp to you? With a little bit of planning, you can host your very own summer family camp. Frugal and fun! It’s time to share our annual habit of Summer Camp at Home. In the past we […]
Simplify Your Homeschool with the Ancient Paths
Practice after practice after practice. Run. Run. Run. Searching for this type of curriculum to fit the learning style for this child. A special course for your high schooler. Oh and then there is that article to read about that tool for this child on that Pinterest board full of resources. Have you stopped to […]
He Will Give You R.E.S.T.
We got a new mattress yesterday. We chose one of those memory foam ones because we hope we will be able to rest better at night. I hear so many people talking about being tired lately. We are bombarded on every side by negative stuff through the TV and internet. We have more gadgets to make life […]
Rose for Mother’s Day
I remember Mother’s Day Sundays growing up. Our tradition was a bit different. We children would wear a rose for Mother’s Day in honor of our mother. My brother and I would find a pretty, deep-pink rose bud on the backyard bush. Mama would pin it on with a straight pin. Or maybe a safety […]
Bringing Music into Your Homeschool
Our friend, Carol McBride, recently shared her passion with us at a homeschool moms meeting. We asked if we might also share her musical encouragement with our Habits for a Happy Home readers. You’ll be thankful she did. Be sure to pin this post, bookmark it. Bringing music into your homeschool is a resource for […]
A Lesson in Friendship from the Book of Job
The Book of Job is a book many people turn to in times of suffering. It is a great lesson from God about trusting Him, even when we don’t understand our circumstances. Job teaches us that God does not need our understanding and He does not owe us any explanation for His actions. We learn […]
The Habit of Praying the Word in Your Homeschool
Do you feel like God does not hear you when you pray? Are you walking through a season of silence from Him? I cannot say why He may not be answering. Sometimes the answer that we seek is not for our best. Sometimes it is not the right time to receive the answer we long for. […]
Building the Nest
Spring has made its home on our front porch this year. A pair of house finches chose the corner near our front door to make their nest. When they first started trying to build the nest, I didn’t think it would work out. There is quite a bit of traffic in and out of our […]
Leave Room for God in Your Homeschool Day
Do we plan every minute out, or get up in the morning and see where the day takes us? I will tell you that my natural inclination would be the later. I am that artsy free spirit, an adult with ADD if you will. I think that by getting up without a plan, I am living […]
Good Friday Garden and Choosing a Tree
Both my grandfathers planted their gardens on Good Friday. We’ve adopted this tradition as well. The Good Friday garden. Good Friday Garden And while it’s a good practice to wait until Good Friday because all danger of frost has past, we’ve discovered another significance. We talk about Easter. We pour that fresh soil into a […]