Oh I am such a rule follower! So, in writing this and sharing about our week of taking advantage of a homeschool schedule, I am speaking to myself too. See, I have to remind myself that there is a wonderful balance that can happen when we keep our diligence in homeschool, yet take advantage of […]
Football Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
For the Super Bowl, for football season, for celebrating tossing a ball in the backyard, we bring you… a chalk pastel football lesson! Colors needed: You will need red-brown, black, orange and bright red, and yellow pastel colors. Take a small piece of black pastel and draw good-sized curve on your paper. Attach another curve […]
Teaching Helps at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome! This week I am featuring some fabulous teaching helps from fellow homeschool pinners. —> Follow my Teaching Multiple Ages Pinterest Board! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood […]
Homeschool Science for Multiple Ages
You might remember that last year all our ages studied marine biology using Apologia resources. Oh we could just continue to camp out there! What a fantastic year of learning it was! (More on that Most Used IKEA Bookshelf in 10 Homeschool Learning Centers at Hodgepodge) But, we have also been excited about new studies […]
Getting Started in Chalk Pastel Art – Free eBook
Have you wondered how in the world to get started in art? What about the world of chalk pastels? And why chalk pastels? Well, we thought if we put all our best tips in one place that would be a great start! So we created our FREE Getting Started in Chalk Pastel Art eBook for […]
Fall Fun at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome to the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! This week I am featuring fall homeschool fun from last week’s pins. —> Follow my Fall Fun Pinterest board! I have the privilege of co-hosting each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a […]
Weekly Homeschool Planning – Expanded
We are expanding our weekly homeschool planning meeting. Why? Things are always changing at Hodgepodge: our children’s needs, moving into older grades, more accountability needed. This year our eldest three children simply needed to SEE all their subjects and practice scheduling their time. How We Expanded Weekly Homeschool Planning I typed up all the subjects, […]
Florida Gulf Coast: Favorite Sites to Visit
Even though I’ve been going to Florida’s Gulf of Mexico at least once a year all of my life, there are still places I’m finding out about. My favorite sites to visit continues to grow… As a child, we went to Grayton Beach several times each summer to stay in the family house full of […]
Language Arts & Writing: The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome to the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! I am featuring language arts and writing resources from our fellow homeschool pinners. —> Follow my Language and Writing Pinterest board! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The […]
Avenue of Oaks Chalk Art Tutorial
During this lesson, you will be able to visit a famous site on St. Simons Island, Georgia. For those of you that have never visited this barrier island off the coast, it is one of those dreamy, slow, humid places that are famous in Southern novels. You could pretend that this path or avenue leads […]
Constitutional Literacy for High School
Today I share with you the extensive, high school level resource from Apologia and HSLDA’s Michael Farris. Constitutional Literacy is something we are passionate about as a family. We are raising future voters! A course by the same name – designed to fit this passion – is simply an answer to prayer for my two […]
Homeschooling for Free at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome! Homeschoolers are frugal by nature so I know you will enjoy all these highlighted free resources! –>> Follow Curriculum Choice’s Free Homeschool Resources board! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci […]
Helpful Homeschool Habit: Moving Forward
We’ve been enjoying a slow and steady start to homeschool after a fun summer. This week has been one marked with moving on. Like the Little Engine That Could. I think I can… I think I can… We aren’t quite up to full speed but I’d say we are at least 3/4 or close to […]