Just how to teach the younger women as a homeschool mom? Here is how you can enjoy the ministry of being a Titus woman in your own family. Aaahhhh…. I said goodbye to my dear husband and closed the front door. The girls were all at youth group. Hubby had a rehearsal. I had the house to […]
Favorite Easter Activities for Kids: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide
I’ve gathered all our favorite and most memorable Easter activities for kids. From recipes, art lessons and nature studies to crafts and a Lenten countdown, these meaningful learning opportunities are a homeschool mom’s guide. photo by Amy Law Easter Activities for Kids: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide Simple Easter – ideas for homemade Easter bags rather […]
A Homeschool Mom’s Guide to The Great Backyard Bird Count
This homeschool mom’s guide to the Great Backyard Bird Count includes resources to jump right in and enjoy this citizen science project. Such fun for homeschool families! A Homeschool Mom’s Guide to The Great Backyard Bird Count First, take a look at this overview of the Great Backyard Bird Count with resources. It’s everything you […]
Bird-Themed Scripture Coloring Pages for Learning Bible Verses
These scripture coloring pages are great for learning Bible verses! They are also a fun complement to your homeschool bird studies. Our littlest girl LOVED coloring these scripture coloring pages! There are three coloring pages: Proverbs 1:7, Psalm 4:8, and Matthew 6:26 ESV. Get Your Free Bird Bible Verse Coloring Pages Fill out the form […]
Simple Heart-Shaped Bird Feeder for Your Homeschool Bird Study
A simple, heart-shaped bird feeder. You can make it allergy-friendly. Easy steps and fun to make with your children in honor of the Great Backyard Bird Count! And perfect for a Valentine for your backyard birds. Of course we must make it. And we must make it allergy friendly! Recipe for Simple Heart-Shaped Bird Feeder […]
A Simple Laundry System: Life Skills for Homeschool Families
Here is a simple laundry system that is doable for homeschool families – and can count as domestic skills! Inexpensive and easy on mom, these tasks help promote independence. I’ve spent a lot of time in the last few weeks evaluating our household. I’m sure most of us do that this time of year. For me, […]
Simple Snow Science for Your Weekly Homeschool Lessons
Enjoy these ideas for simple snow science for your weekly homeschool lessons. Includes a sample of a homeschool schedule with nature study, writing, math, art and lots of hands on learning. Dear homeschool mom, here is a simple reminder that one bad day does not determine the week. Midweek I was lamenting that we we […]
A Homeschool Mom’s Christmas Favorites
I found myself looking through my archives for some Christmas favorites. So, I thought it would be good to place them all in a nice little spot. A homeschool mom’s Christmas favorites like recipes we use often in December, advent resources plus holiday and winter art and more. He appeared and the soul felt its […]
A Birthday Cake For Jesus Activity For Kids
This birthday cake for Jesus activity includes a recipe and ideas for throwing a party to celebrate with your entire family. I have so many wonderful childhood Christmas memories. When I became a parent, I started looking for ways to create Christmas memories and traditions with my children. One thing we have done through the […]
15 Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Christmas with Kids
Are you wondering what you can do to make Christmas enjoyable (and build cherished memories) for your family? Here are some cool ideas for how you can celebrate Christmas with your kids. Whatever you choose to do, remember to have fun and enjoy spending time together as a family. 15 Meaningful Ways To Celebrate Christmas […]
Christmas Budget Dwindling? Frugal Gift Ideas and Crafts
Is your Christmas budget dwindling? Become quite versed in making Christmas happen for cheap with these frugal gift ideas and crafts. I love giving gifts and am too stubborn to just tell the family “we are not doing gifts this year”. So I have been determined to make Christmas gifts happen, regardless of our budget! […]
Reindeer Mix a.k.a. White Christmas Snack Recipe: Baking with Kids
Always a holiday favorite is Reindeer Mix, a.k.a. White Christmas Snack. It’s an easy solution for parties, teacher or neighbor gifts or a nice little something to tuck in the mailbox for your mail carrier. It’s very simple. You might even have the ingredients on hand. Just melt the white chocolate bark and pour it […]
Glowing Christmas Tree Kids’ Art Tutorial Perfect for the Whole Family
Enjoy this glowing Christmas Tree Kids’ Art Tutorial for your Christmas School celebrations. One of our favorite ways to make memories at Christmas is to drive around town and see Christmas lights at night! And so, in honor of the favorite, glowing Christmas tree you spot on your drive around town – we have a […]