Could your child be dyslexic? There is help and much hope! Some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs and artists have dyslexia! Today, it is with great pleasure that I welcome Marianne Sunderland of Homeschooling with Dyslexia. I have been so very much looking forward to her visit! I know that several of my readers have […]
Nana’s Southern Fried Okra Recipe
I really feel quite silly authoring a post on fried okra. Southern cooks learn how to make this dish usually the same way that their Mamas made it. Goodness gracious, there are a lot of ways to cook fried okra and a lot of opinions on how to cook this famous vegetable! But here goes. Here […]
Favorite Summer Games Resources for Your Homeschool
Learn all about the history of The Games, the city the games are held, sports in general, what it takes to become an Olympian and much more with these summer games resources for your homeschool! The Summer Games are back! Are you ready? We are! And we are excited. Twelve years ago we began our […]
Simple Summer Reading Ideas to Encourage Reluctant Readers
Okay, so maybe reading isn’t at the top of the my kids’ to-do lists this summer, but it is always at the top of mine. I’m hopeful that if we make it a little more fun and collaborative, they’ll think summer reading is as fun as I do. Simple Summer Reading Ideas to Encourage Reluctant […]
How to Make a Wagon Garden
Somethin’ different…Ok, ok, I know that the following tutorial is NOT about pastel painting but it is summer time and it is time for a different type of fun project. So, this is a great backyard tutorial on how to make a wagon garden! How to Make a Wagon Garden Now this garden can be […]
Homeschool Books We Love: Preschool Edition
There are certain homeschool books we love for the preschool years. If you have been a parent for any length of time, you can probably tell me what the Very Hungry Caterpillar ate on Saturday without thinking twice about it. One piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss […]
Thistles and Sunshine Nature Study for Your Homeschool
If you are studying thistles for your homeschool nature study, here is how to easily adapt it to your own backyard. And to be spontaneous when you need to soak up the unexpected sunshine. Sleeping Beauty. Eeyore. Two characters that were mentioned when I told the children we would be learning about thistles for nature […]
Lessons from Strega Nona: Blessings Overflowing
Enjoy these lessons I learned from Strega Nona. Blessings overflowing in our homeschool. Plus a comforting and easy recipe for rice water soup to sooth sore throats. In a quick effort to soothe sore throats, I put some rice on to boil. Absentmindedly, I tossed in several scoops of rice with the unmeasured water. Uh […]
How to Teach the Younger Women as a Homeschool Mom
Just how to teach the younger women as a homeschool mom? Here is how you can enjoy the ministry of being a Titus woman in your own family. Aaahhhh…. I said goodbye to my dear husband and closed the front door. The girls were all at youth group. Hubby had a rehearsal. I had the house to […]
Favorite Easter Activities for Kids: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide
I’ve gathered all our favorite and most memorable Easter activities for kids. From recipes, art lessons and nature studies to crafts and a Lenten countdown, these meaningful learning opportunities are a homeschool mom’s guide. photo by Amy Law Easter Activities for Kids: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide Simple Easter – ideas for homemade Easter bags rather […]
A Homeschool Mom’s Guide to The Great Backyard Bird Count
This homeschool mom’s guide to the Great Backyard Bird Count includes resources to jump right in and enjoy this citizen science project. Such fun for homeschool families! A Homeschool Mom’s Guide to The Great Backyard Bird Count First, take a look at this overview of the Great Backyard Bird Count with resources. It’s everything you […]
Bird-Themed Scripture Coloring Pages for Learning Bible Verses
These scripture coloring pages are great for learning Bible verses! They are also a fun complement to your homeschool bird studies. Our littlest girl LOVED coloring these scripture coloring pages! There are three coloring pages: Proverbs 1:7, Psalm 4:8, and Matthew 6:26 ESV. Get Your Free Bird Bible Verse Coloring Pages Fill out the form […]
Simple Heart-Shaped Bird Feeder for Your Homeschool Bird Study
A simple, heart-shaped bird feeder. You can make it allergy-friendly. Easy steps and fun to make with your children in honor of the Great Backyard Bird Count! And perfect for a Valentine for your backyard birds. Of course we must make it. And we must make it allergy friendly! Recipe for Simple Heart-Shaped Bird Feeder […]