This last week I’ve shared our curriculum choices for 2013-2014 from kindergarten to high school. If you missed any of our individual plans, you can find a list at the bottom of this post. Because of that age range, we do many of our subjects and learning all together. Layers and levels – lasagna learning. […]
Homeschooling High School: Curriculum, Organization, Planning
This past week I have shared the span from kindergarten to middle school – our curriculum choices for 2013-2014. Today we reach homeschooling high school and in my next post I’ll share the resources we use with all our ages – together. This is the year we have two high schoolers – 9th grade Eldest […]
Waiting…and waiting…and waiting. I feel like that is what our life has been over the last year or so now. After our church closed, we waited for a job for my Jeremy. God provided. We waited for housing near that job. God provided. And then He provided again when we had to move out of […]
Laundry Help!
One Monday morning following the weekend the laundry looked like this. That’s the pile that wouldn’t fit in the laundry room. It was laundry overwhelm for sure. After my overwhelm, I turned to the tried and true habits. Housekeeping habits right here on Habits for a Happy Home. Plus even more helps from Mama’s Laundry […]
6th Grade Homeschool: Curriculum Choices
Over this week I am sharing our curriculum choices for 2013-2014. Our Middle Girl is now officially a middle schooler! Today I share all the resources for this busy, kinesthetic learner. You may remember last year I shared about the organization we put in place with her in mind. Take a peek at the baskets […]
Ice Cream Chalk Pastel Tutorial
Yum! It is summer and most of us can only think of ways to stay cool….how about an ice cream sundae? You pick out your favorite ice cream…then choose the pastel colors to match! >Download your free Ice Cream Sundae Tutorial today. Subscribers will find it at the bottom of the subscription feed or subscriber […]
Ultimate Homeschool Party on Pinterest
Isn’t this fun? Friends, the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party is hosted each week by these five ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday at […]
Homeschool Second Grade: Curriculum Choices 2013-2014
Over the next week I am sharing our curriculum choices for 2013-2014. Yes, here at the second grade desk… As I said yesterday, rest assured I am still in the planning stages, but we pretty much have a handle on what resources we’ll be using – based on experience. My Littlest Girl is a rising […]
Making It All Count
In October, premature twin boys were born to some of our friends. These babies were not expected to live but after surgeries and a lot of intervention, they have now turned seven-months-old and are doing wonderfully! In the past month and a half, I have been to one 80th birthday celebration and to two funerals […]
Around the web June 2013
Raising Good Men | National Review Online The Socially Acceptable Sin When Harsh Words Are Kind – Desiring God Jen Hatmaker – When Is It Time to Walk Away? George W. Bush is smarter than you | Keith Hennessey Why Have Babies? Why going to Church is an Act of War How to Change a Society […]
Allergy-Friendly Favorites in the Family Fridge
Today I’m sharing a peek inside my fridge. Fingerprints from small people and all. The favorites that are always on the Evernote grocery list. Would you like a bite to eat? How about some… SunButter – Yum! and lots of it (yes, that is 10 lbs tucked in the fridge door for easy access! We truly […]
Three Uses for an Outgrown Pair of Blue Jeans
With five growing children we surely have to find ways to stretch our money. Here are three easy ways to use one pair of blue jeans. Hand Me Downs We of course pass down blue jeans to a sibling. Oh the money we’ve saved with three girls and two boys – just in hand me […]
Homeschool Pinterest Party
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]