Some of our very best summer memories are made with family right close to home. Today I offer up ideas for a super staycation in Atlanta! Plus, you can win tickets for a trip to the World of Coca-Cola, the Georgia Aquarium, and tickets to see the Atlanta Braves. Don’t miss this ultimate giveaway at […]
Scripture Stickies
Psalm 119:11 is a very popular Bible verse. It says, “Your Word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.” I have been introduced to a fun way to do just that… Scripture Stickies!
A Hodgepodge of Favorite Books and Resources
The children should have the joy of living in far lands, in other persons, in other times – a delightful double existence; and this joy they will find, for the most part, in their story books. ~ Charlotte Mason Favorite books and resources are hard to narrow down to a list of ten! So, today […]
How to Let Summer Learning Happen
Are you feeling it too? The calendar is clearing up. There’s white space on the page, flip flops by the back door and blue skies outside! Choir, church activities, drama troupe have all ended for the year for us. Some subjects are wrapped up and tucked away. The girls are still practicing for piano recital […]
Inspiring Purity in Your Teens
As homeschool parents, one of the things we tend to do well is protect our kids. We watch over them and guide them along life’s journey fervently. It is of utmost importance to us to protect the purity of our children. We want to spare our kids from some of the things we experienced and […]
Art Twitter Chat and Art Fun Discount
This Wednesday (today!) I have the great privilege of co-hosting a #homeschool Twitter chat with Toni, The Happy Housewife. We’ll be talking about all things art. Here are the details below: Art Twitter Chat Topic: Art with Kids Co-Hostesses: Toni, Happy Housewife and Tricia @Hodgepodgemom Date: May 15, 2013 Time: 3:00-3:30 pm Eastern Hashtag: #homeschool […]
10 Classic Toys That Have Withstood the Hodgepodge
I hope my children look back on today, And see a mom who had time to play, There will be years for cleaning and cooking, For children grow up while we’re not looking. ~ author unknown Those toys that have been around since our teenagers were toddlers. Loved and passed down to be enjoyed again… […]
What are You Living For?
Monday morning I sat down with my two oldest boys and asked them this question. I told them I didn’t need an answer right away, but I wanted them to take a little time and think about it. I said, “I know you both know what the right answer is, but what is the real […]
Imperfect Homeschool: Drama and Trauma
“Your homeschool looks so peaceful.” “Wow, I wish I was as organized as you.” “Well, you have experience with teaching an age-range of children, I could never accomplish as much as you do.” Every now and then when I share our weekly homeschool wrap ups or an art tutorial, I will get a comment like […]
Are You a Funnel or a Jar?
Bet you never thought you would be compared to a funnel or a jar, did you? Well as believers we have the choice to be either one or the other. Both the funnel and the jar were created for a purpose, but it is up to us how we use them. Jars hold things; water, […]
iBlog for You!
Last week I shared about iBlog: Everything You Need to Know About Blogging from 30 Top Bloggers. Today, I have the pleasure of giving away this fabulous resource to three blessed winners! “I honestly don’t know how you do it. Homeschool, write, maintain sites…” Back in 2008, I started blogging for fun. Mostly to share […]
End of the Year Homeschool Celebrations with Multiple Ages
Ribbons awarded to our children at our Homeschool Expo for science fair and art projects. While our You Can Be An Artist series was here on the blog, behind the scenes our family was swept up into all sorts of celebrations. It’s been a month since I shared a weekly wrap up, Collage Friday type […]
The Habit of Tangible Photos with Groovebook
I’m not even sure I have the words to describe what a treasure family photos are to me. They are definitely one of my most important possessions. My parents have never had a fancy camera, but they have always been faithful take a photographic journal of our lives. I remember the excitement I would feel […]