Choosing a homeschool curriculum is no easy task! Here you will find easy decision making tips for homeschool moms for choosing homeschool curriculum. Heidi Ciravola shares with you everything you need to know.
And the way Heidi shares is help for choosing homeschool curriculum the easy way.

Help For Choosing Homeschool Curriculum The Easy Way
Session coming! Event will be LIVE 7/26 @ 10 AM EDT – Right Here!
More About Heidi Ciravola
Heidi Ciravola is mom to three kids who were all homeschooled. Two have graduated college and one is finishing homeschooling high school. She spends much of her time navigating the high school waters (from electives to college prep) and reviewing homeschool curriculum for all ages. You can find her writing about these things as well as her love of books and homeschool life in general over at Starts At Eight.
Heidi is also the talented Managing Editor of our sister website, The Curriculum Choice.
Heidi continues to share posts full of incredibly helpful information for you! The review authors at The Curriculum Choice are a veteran group of home educators with a mission – to spread the word about their favorite curricula and help YOU make informed decisions for your homeschool. Meet the review authors and browse the homeschooling tips they share!
More Decision Making Tips for Homeschool Moms on Curriculum Choices
Here are some of our favorite, encouraging resources with curriculum choice tips for homeschool moms:
- What Do Homeschool Methods Look Like in Real Life? – Heidi shares the break down of homeschooling methods.
- The Incredible Index of Homeschool Curriculum Options – We strive to share with you all our collective knowledge from our many years of experience. In particular, we share with you all the homeschool curriculum options we have used throughout the years.
- Tips for Switching Curriculum – It’s okay to make a change. There, I said it, and here’s the thing: I mean it! Our own little homeschool has had to make mid-year changes, second term changes, third term changes.. You name it, we’ve likely encountered it.
- What Kind of Homeschooler Are You? The great thing about homeschooling is that you have the freedom to teach however you want to teach. And you can change your methods and curriculum whenever you want. Even if it is in the middle of the school year! If it isn’t working…move onto something new. One thing that can give you a concrete foundation is your core beliefs in how you believe your children learn best. In homeschooling, it doesn’t matter what kind of homeschooler you are. It doesn’t matter what curriculum you use. Because, as a homeschooler, you are doing what is best for your child.
- The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Homeschool Curriculum – this post gathers up all the Ultimate Guides to each homeschool subject – language arts, math, history, science and more!
- Walk at Home Homeschool PE – We really love this app! It’s such a simplistic way to get your daily workout in. For a teen is an easy way to get that PE credit and it’s way cheaper than a gym membership too!
- Homeschool PE, Fitness and Sports – If you live in a climate like I do where you have very different summer and winter weather conditions, you may find it difficult to come up with fitness ideas to meet those needs. Here I have created lists for both Summer Homeschool PE Options and Winter Homeschool PE Options, for inside and out!
- Engaging Themed Homeschool Activities for Every Month of the Year – Spice up your homeschool studies this year with some fun themed homeschool activities! Take a look at the extensive list we have compiled for each month!
- Plan Your High School Electives – Plan Your High School Electives Printable Pack is a neat version of what I “created” in my own personal notebook. I use the word “created” lightly when it comes to my notebook because it is my brain dump of everything and not necessarily as neat or organized as one would like! 😉 It really helped me to narrow the field in an aspect of high school that felt extremely vast and unmanageable.
- Everything You Need to Know About Choosing Homeschool Curriculum by Kim
- Courtney’s Your Best Homeschool session: How to Choose Homeschool Curriculum with Confidence
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