Enjoy this ultimate guide to fun Thanksgiving activities for your homeschool with wonderful homeschool tools for celebrating Thanksgiving and teaching gratitude. Includes art activities, history, Thanksgiving recipes and more!
Adding Fun to Your Thanksgiving Homeschool Learning
Thanksgiving is a season to slow down, take your time and enjoy learning in a fun or even new way. Lean heavy into family read aloud time while learning some history, taking time to notice the beautiful and to create some art!
Thanksgiving Homeschool Art Activities
Be sure to include these fun Thanksgiving homeschool art activities with your learning. Many of these art lessons are free!
Thanksgiving Homeschool Lessons: Draw Your Way Through the Story – Every November, some activities that have become traditions for us are thankful pumpkins or trees, using a fall bucket list, gratitude journals, and art with Nana. Oh, and pumpkin pie! No Thanksgiving activities are complete without pumpkin pie.
Thanksgiving Homeschool Activities You’ll Be Grateful For! Thanksgiving is a perfect time to create learning experiences that blend family and fun. These are thanksgiving homeschool activities you’ll be grateful for!
November Learning Activities For Your Homeschool: Art, History, Geography and More! Before your eyes glaze over with the joy of second third helpings of stuffing – who is counting? – there are many interesting historical dates besides the Mayflower, mapping opportunities other than Massachusetts, and writer’s birthdays to celebrate in the month of November.
Charlie Brown Art Lessons
I treasure the excitement that it brings my children to know we are carrying on the same traditions that made me smile as a child.
Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown – Nana’s Fall pumpkin chalk pastel art lessons for all ages are always a favorite – including It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown art lesson.
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving at You ARE an ARTiST – Thanks to Nana, you can create an entire experience around A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving! This is one your kids will remember too.
Cranberry Thanksgiving Homeschool Study and Art Lesson
Here are just a few ways you can enjoy a Cranberry Thanksgiving book study in your fall homeschool plans – with art, activities, baking and more! Don’t miss Nana’s Mr. Whiskers homeschool art lesson at the end. Cranberry Thanksgiving Book Study for Your Homeschool
Turkey Art Activity and Book
The picture book A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting provides this delightful surprise ending reading experience. Just like everyone else, the Moose family wants to celebrate Thanksgiving with all the proper trimmings, which of course must include a real turkey. A Turkey for Thanksgiving: Activities for Kids
A Thanksgiving Booklist for Your Fall Homeschool Studies – Many homeschoolers take the time to include holiday themed studies into their days. Thanksgiving is a big one. I have curated a Thanksgiving book list of some of the very best to help you do just that. Or maybe you just want to have some of them around to read at bedtime or during times when your kids free read.
Thanksgiving Turkey Homeschool Nature Study
If you have a wild turkey or even a domestic turkey to observe, you’ll enjoy the suggestions in the lesson in the Handbook of Nature Study. Another suggestion is to watch the videos in the original challenge to get a taste of what turkeys are all about and then read the Handbook of Nature Study lesson and finish with a nature journal page with your children.” Turkey Homeschool Nature Study includes a FREE November World Notebooking Page.
Then, follow up your turkey nature study time with a Turkey Walk with Chalk – and Nana! Included in all of the You ARE an ARTiST Clubhouse Thanksgiving plans.
Free Thanksgiving Scripture Coloring Pages and Printables
One of our goals is to memorize some Thanksgiving-themed scripture, so we’ll be using these pages to help us hide God’s word in our hearts this month.
We will be memorizing Psalm 100:4, Philippians 4:6, 1Chronicles 16:34. You can download the free coloring pages by filling out the form, below:
More Fun Activities for Thanksgiving Learning in Your Homeschool
Here are even more Thanksgiving resources to help you build memories this season.
Thanksgiving Homeschool Celebration – A captive audience. That’s what you have in family and friends on Thanksgiving. Each year at this time we share what we call a Thanksgiving Homeschool Celebration or a unit celebration of our first semester of homeschool. Basically, we show off the best of our homeschool work and projects while the Thanksgiving side dishes are still warming in the oven. This homeschool tradition is rooted in our history studies.
How to Make a Thankfulness Tree – Here is how to make a Thankfulness Tree to use as a tradition every year at Thanksgiving plus some Thanksgiving homeschool ideas to incorporate.
The Thanksgiving Homeschool – A time for family. A time for reflection. Also a time for learning. Think about including Thanksgiving Homeschool activities in your homeschool day. Crafts, books, educational ideas and so much more can be geared toward Thanksgiving.
November Homeschool Celebrations – Be grateful for the goodness of life and thankful for the fellowship of family and friends. Celebrate November with some of the zany November Homeschool Celebrations below and create a few unique family ones, too.
Note to Self: Thanksgiving Planning Made Easy – every year I find myself straining my already-strained brain trying to remember last Thanksgiving and what worked and what didn’t. That is, until I started the note to self habit. Here is how to make a note to self: Thanksgiving planning made easy.
10 Thanksgiving Homeschool Habits – traditions, gratitude jar, recipes and more!
Nana’s Sweet Potato Pie Recipe – the all-time favorite!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great ideas!
Thank you, Dawn! Happy Thanksgiving!