Beginning our April theme of sharing Habits for a Happy Mom. A habit I’ve learned is to stop and take in my window view. To pause – right in the midst of the day – and to notice. The backdoor swings shut. It’s my cue to peek, just a bit, through my kitchen window. I […]
Simple Sunflowers: Heart of the Matter
Join me at Heart of the Matter today? You’ve probably heard plenty about planting sunflowers. You may even agree they are very easy to grow. Especially easy for children. I’m here to share a snippet of our sunflower summer. It started around Easter of last year. Little did we know what was in store from […]
A Wide Range of Blessings
“Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved. The real milestones are less prepossessing. They come to the door of memory.” – Susan B. Anthony The wide range of ages from preschool to middle […]
U is for Umbrella
In honor of spring break, Hodgepodgedad under the beach umbrella… My entry in the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme. Other entries: A is for Angel B is for Brown-Headed Nuthatch C is for Crayon D is for Dough E is for Earthworm F is for Flower Girls G is for Giggling Siblings H […]
Meal Plan: Slow, Southern and Sunny
Slow because I love my slow cooker. Southern because I am and that’s the finest kind of frugal, comfort food. Sunny, simply because it’s spring time! I’ve been browsing my Southern Living magazines and their site for a fresh, two weeks worth of meal ideas. With a few Hodgepodge favorites thrown in for good measure. […]
Balancing the Needs of the Age Range
Today we started Spring Break early because Hodgepodgedad took the day off! So this weekly wrap is posted a bit early too. We are enjoying our Friday! This was our first week back into the regularly scheduled programming after Homeschool Expo projects. Those are the ribbons from the science fair! Seventh grader (3rd place), sixth […]
Mini ‘Burgers’ for April Fool’s Day
I saw these fun little things over at Phyllis’ Household Ways just yesterday. I quick sent Hodgepodgedad a message because he was swinging by the store for milk. “Add Peppermint Patties and Nilla Wafers please!” We had the squirt green, red and yellow food icings from the Cook Box. And I figured that flax seed […]
Nuthatch Nest
A long time ago we bought a screech owl/kestrel bird house. And some nuthatches have nested in it! One of them seems to be ‘sweeping’ the top of the house while the other stays in the house. To hear the white-breasted nuthatch call, click Cornell Lab or Ornithology. Here are the pictures: Do you […]
Ode to Banana Pudding
From Nana, the original author of I’m Writing My Own Cookbook. On Saturday, I was lured by the shiny red tape that surrounded the half-priced bananas at the local grocery and decided to embark on a cooking adventure with my two youngest granddaughters. Banana Pudding was on the menu, and I was determined to share […]
Science Fun!
One of my favorite subjects when I was in school was science and it is still one of my favorites to do with my kids! It is one of the first books I purchase when I am planning for the next school year and it is a subject I always make sure we get to on its […]
Batch Cooking Black-eyed Peas in the Slow Cooker
Two bags. Two pounds. Rinsed. Quick soaked. (Just followed the directions on the bag). But then… Bunches of beans cooked on high then low throughout the day. Then socked away in the freezer in family-sized portions. Good cheap eats. Perfect with a pone of cornbread and a green veggie. **Frugal tip – Make black-eyed peas […]
At The Beach: A Pastels Tutorial
Are you dreaming of the beach? Warm sun on your back. Toes in the sand. Well, you can bring the beach right to you with Nana’s At The Beach: A Pastels Tutorial. While we won’t be heading to the shore anytime soon, we sure did have a dreamy time with this art lesson. At The […]
Fun Projects and Encouraging Links
If you know me, you know I adore the practical. So I am sharing just a few inspirational spots I’ve been fortunate to stumble upon: Paper cup wreath from Everyday Celebrating Learning to Listen Carefully from the new Doorposts blog. What we are doing in our home this week! Beautiful Ideas My friend, Phyllis, inspires […]