Enjoy this example of a chipmunk and squirrels homeschool nature study you can enjoy right in your own backyard! Chipmunks and squirrels are pretty fast moving. However, we took a leisurely pace with this nature study, enjoying it here and there over the last couple of weeks. Mentioning it while we were outside. Being reminded […]
A Daily Homeschool Schedule at Hodgepodge
Find a sample of daily homeschool schedule for an age range of homeschool students from preschool to high school. Day in the life of an age range? Multiple Ages? Sometimes I think homeschooling has taught me more than the children. This season of my life is a constant refining by fire. I have so many […]
Curriculum Choices for Homeschooling Preschool
A reader had a question on homeschooling preschool. Kayla said that I could share her question with you. I thought it might help some of you making homeschool decisions. Question: Hello! My name is Kayla and I’m a homeschooling mom to three (so far). I really love the Rod and Staff (R & S) curriculum. […]
Daily Schedules for Homeschooling Boys
Here is an example of a daily schedule for homeschooling boys. This ‘A Day in the Life’ style will give you our unique homeschool day perspective with all boys. I’m hoping this post will eliminate some of the “wow, you really have it all together” comments that I occasionally hear. Here is Our Typical Daily […]
Spring Homeschool is Full of So Many Things
Spring homeschool is full of so many delights, especially nature study! It is a perfect time of year to notice beauty and to switch things up. Watching dogwoods turn from white and pink… into their full summer dress… Spring Homeschool We went visiting Mama Ann a couple of weeks ago when all was in full […]
Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe
Enjoy this easy microwave fudge recipe! There are only three ingredients and you likely have those ingredients on hand in your pantry. This recipe is easy enough for your older children to stir up themselves. Fudge to make with the children or as a surprise. For several years I ended up throwing out small, dollar-priced […]
How to Frame Your Homeschool Days with Nature Study
Here are some simple and practical tips to frame your homeschool days with nature study. The results are so rewarding for such a little time investment! Small spurts of outdoor time frame our days. It’s simple and works for us. “I just need to go outside and swing for a few minutes before I start […]
I *heart* Homemade Valentines
Just simple homemade Valentines. Sugar, hearts and love. In the continuation of give me simple and make it fast, I bring you the homemade version of a Valentine celebration. No store-bought stuffed animals, no heart-shaped boxes of candy. This Valentine fun is the kind that can be readied in just little bits of time over […]
Mama Ann’s Morning Bars Recipe
Enjoy this oatmeal and black raspberry jelly bars recipe. Mama Ann’s Morning Bars are a long-time and long-loved recipe in our family. Morning bars are a family classic from my grandmother, Mama Ann. One of those recipes we’ve come to expect her to always have at her house. My children beg for morning bars. If […]
Spring Nature Study for Homeschool with Multiple Ages
Warm sunshine on your back, leaves unfurling and marvelous moss and lichen? Yes, please. We enjoyed some signs of spring and spring nature study with all our ages this homeschool week. It went something like this… Spring Nature Study for Homeschool with Multiple Ages Have that nature prompt within sight, by the back door. So, […]
Winter Outdoor Hour: Weeds and Seeds Homeschool Nature Study
On this day, we ventured out into the backyard for a winter outdoor hour challenge to soak up some sunshine and spot some winter weeds and seeds. Our homeschool nature study time is always a wonderful and well needed break in our homeschool day. We went to the known spots. First, the althea bush. Winter […]
5 Ways to Weave Hymns into Your Homeschool Days
There are many ways to weave hymns into your homeschool days. I’ve always loved the old hymns. Like many, I was fortunate to be raised on them. They are a part of me. For quite a while now, I’ve made sure I spend part of my morning quiet time flipping through that hymnal. Pausing on […]
Homeschool Nature Study: Winter Weather and Tree Silhouettes
For your winter homeschool nature study you will find it surprisingly fun to study winter weather and tree silhouettes! We used some great nature study resources in our homeschool that we will share with you! Snow? Snow! Yes, we awoke to white. Hodgepodgedad and I had seen the big, fat flakes falling right at bedtime […]