We are quickly coming upon the end of this homeschool year and that makes me think on all the good things – counting homeschool gifts. I find that I am very nostalgic with a graduating senior. Our very first homeschool graduate! That is something to celebrate! Also these children that are soon to be a […]
Stress Free Chalk Pastel Art
We love to share stress free chalk pastel art with you and remind you that you ARE an artist! This week I am visiting several of my very favorite places, including… ~ Don’t miss the giveaways! Space Art at Homeschooling Today Magazine After this year of astronomy studies, we are nebula fans. Well, we are […]
Favorite Homeschool Astronomy Resources
This homeschool year we have had the best time learning with Exploring Creation with Astronomy by Apologia. Today we are sharing our favorite homeschool astronomy resources we’ve used right alongside Apologia. We highly recommend Apologia’s Astronomy textbook, the notebooking journals and the MP3 audio book. In fact, I have a full review of Exploring Creation […]
Summer Games Swimming Chalk Art Tutorial
One of the favorites of the Summer Games is the swimming events. Why Summer Games now? Because the torch starts making its journey in the spring. This Summer Games swimming chalk art tutorial is a representation of a swimmer in motion. Imagine the Olympic ‘stick figure’ swimmer and that is what you will begin with. […]
Top Gluten Free and Allergy Friendly Favorites
When you are limited in what you can eat due to allergies and food sensitivities, it is always a blessing to find some new favorites! It has been a while since I have shared about our allergy friendly journey. Since we recently attended the Atlanta Gluten Free Allergy Friendly Expo, I felt it was time […]
Homeschool Video Courses for Multiple Ages
I’ve shared before how our homeschooling method is a hodgepodge. We have a true love of certain curricula (like Tapestry of Grace, Rod and Staff and Saxon) and have used them for all of our years of homeschooling. But that doesn’t mean we can’t add in some extras. Especially in the high school years, we […]
Homeschool Fun with The Art of Eric Carle
The High Museum of Art in Atlanta sure knows how to offer family fun plus learning with the Art of Eric Carle. This latest exhibit, I See A Story: The Art of Eric Carle, is excellent in so many ways! Homeschool Fun with The Art of Eric Carle First off, this exhibit is VERY child-friendly. […]
15 Fun Chalk Pastel Art Tutorials
Sometimes we just need some fun! These 15 fun chalk pastel art tutorials offer just that – fun art afternoons with some favorite characters and topics. Here at Hodgepodge our mission is to help you realize – through practice – that you ARE an artist. What better way to practice than with art tutorials that […]
Homeschool High School Finish Line
Here at Hodgepodge homeschool we are just about at the homeschool high school finish line. Time is going so fast that I find myself taking a deep breath – often. We are in the final two months of our eldest child’s senior year. This time I will share with you all those last, little things […]
How To Make Essential Oils Part of Your Routine
Part of my wellness makeover is having essential oils as part of my daily routine. When my family and I first started using essential oils it was a bit overwhelming. But, just like anything else new, we built the habit. And the investment is worth it. So, I thought I’d share a few tips I […]
High School Homeschool Parent Teacher Conference
One of the grand balancing acts is that of being both a parent and a homeschool teacher. Add in the need for being the high school guidance counselor and a homeschool parent can be stressed. I find myself sometimes wishing that I could simply fall into one of those roles. And it is at those […]
Essential Oils 101
At the start of a new season I begin to think of how essential oils can support our health for the upcoming months. You might remember that essential oils are one of the ‘layers’ we use for promoting wellness in our family. And since I get several questions about essential oils, I thought I’d share […]
Space Shuttle Liftoff Chalk Art Tutorial
Because it is so much fun to pull out a blue or black piece of construction paper and make a space scene with chalk pastels, we share with you today a space shuttle liftoff chalk art tutorial! Once you make the billowing clouds of smoke and the blaze of rocket boosters with chalk – we […]