In our home, we use basically three types of teaching applications or technology-based learning: computer games/apps, edutainment and courseware. Computer Games/Apps Did you know that spending a few minutes playing some of your child’s computer games can equip you to use these games to teach? One very popular game, Angry Birds (which is available on […]
Hands on Learning, Projects for Multiple Ages
Yesterday’s art tutorial is definitely a hands on type of learning. We love art around here. We also enjoy other types of learning projects. Sprinkled here and there throughout our homeschool days are times of pre-planned and spontaneous hands-on learning. This type of activity is often how we meet the needs of the learning styles […]
When You Want to Scream – Just Sing
Part Two of The Habit of Hymns We all have those moments. The overwhelming, frustrating time of wanting to yell or scream at the top of our lungs. Well, I’ve found one way of diverting the irritating. When you want to scream, just sing. Turn it to praise! A recent example? You know those packing […]
Teaching Art With Multiple Ages
My Blue Boat: A Pastels Tutorial The joy of art. We are blessed that way. See, for over two years now Nana has taught the children chalk pastel lessons on a variety of subjects. She teaches all the children at once – multiple ages. And I join in now and then too! How about you? […]
The World Through a Four Year Old’s Eyes
When my four-year old came walking into the room carrying my camera, my first instinct was to get onto him for playing with it and take it away. However, I was in a good mood that day and decided to let him take some pictures. He had so much fun running through the house taking pictures of […]
Unit Studies with Multiple Ages
Welcome back to Lasagna Learning: Teaching Multiple Ages. Don’t miss the link to a review of Harmony Fine Arts Plans below! Unit studies are great for an age range because everyone is immersed in the same subject. Unit studies are often how we fit it all in! After the 3 Rs, we can mostly finish […]
Slow Cooker Spinach Lasagna Recipe
We are right here in the middle of 10 Days of Lasagna Learning: Teaching Multiple Ages. What’s a series on lasagna learning without a true lasagna recipe you can enjoy around your table? This is our all-time favorite slow cooker version. A definite have-to-have in the Fast Food for Slow Sundays category. A meal we […]
How To Fit In All The Extras
One more thing after lunch. One more thing after lunch. This is the one thing that really changed our homeschool. When the children were all little we could usually get most of our learning completed before lunch. As they grew and the needs of the age range grew as well, I struggled to fit it […]
The Three Rs for Multiple Ages
Sunday morning, I’m helping put his shoes on for church and he says it. “Mama! N is for no and Y is for yes!” And I realize then that it’s time. It’s time to teach four-year-old to read. Those gentle ways of reading. He’ll be the fifth one we’ll teach. Of course the three Rs […]
Homeschooling high-school and a few other posts…
I love spring, but it brings many activities around our house: soccer, baseball, drama practice, a college graduation, and five birthdays within six weeks. On top of these this June, my oldest daughter is getting married. With all this, I have not had much time to write a new post for Habits, so I thought that I […]
Blueberry Pound Cake Recipe
“When can we have it?” – 14-year-old “Amazingly delicious!” – 12-year-old “This is a dream!” – six-year-old “Mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmmm,” was all I heard from nine-year-old. This Blueberry Pound Cake is my first instagram success story. Kristin shared a photo of her blueberry pound cake. It looked so delicious I asked for the […]
10 Days of Lasagna Learning: Teaching Multiple Ages
If ever there was a week that was an example of homeschool lasagna learning, it was this. Lasagna learning being layers and levels of different ages, all together. The spices of learning all blending and complementing. Take Columbus. I read this book from our Tapestry studies to the age range (pictured at top). We just […]
Continuing Education at Your State Homeschool Convention
The sheer number of homeschoolers. That’s what impressed me most the first time I attended my state homeschool convention. Others, like me! Filling an entire convention center! That alone helped me know I was not the only one on this journey. There are other families like us – and lots of them! (There’s my family […]