When we decided our topic for August, I was both excited and apprehensive. I was anxious to hear what all my fellow bloggers had to say on the subject, and fearful that I would never be able to come up with something to contribute myself! See, much like Trisha, I have a terrible memory. Since […]
Just the Basics, M’am
Oh how we homeschool moms pour over curriculum. We make plans, pick up new pencils at the store. Mark dates on the calendar. But what about the basics? Those simple, necessary things we have to do every day as mothers? How about the basic routines and habits we’d like for our children to build – […]
Sugary Sweet Saturday
It’s not something we regularly buy to enjoy at home. But it’s a sugary treat now and then when we’re out. For this family birthday, Middle Girl requested a trip downtown to the museum. See, since she was just a little girl she’s been drawn to sweetness. Sweet tea, Dr. Pepper, Coca-Cola. Then, last year, […]
Weekly Wrap: Nature and Encouragement
1. Even more snap circuits. | 2. Build your own sundae night (on Sunday night). | 3. Hostessing at the Heart of the Matter Conference. What a thrill to hostess Dr. Jay Wile and Terri Johnson! | 4. The silly boys that were behind the scenes (while three girls were off at Drama Troupe meeting […]
The Habit to Remember
Today is actually my 26th birthday, but let me tell you, my memory does not reflect my age! I have a terrible, terrible memory! Names, scripture references, lyrics to songs, phone numbers, dates, and deadlines all get lost in my brain. Unless there are pictures or video of an event, I will not remember much […]
Slow Cooker Rotisserie Chicken Equals Three Meals
For Sunday lunch we enjoyed this slow cooker rotisserie chicken recipe from Hillbilly Housewife. It’s like one of those you get at the grocery store deli – except homemade – and cheaper. Even the picky ones yum it up. We enjoyed it with rice and garden vegetables. You throw that chicken in there, doused with […]
His Ways are not Our Ways
It is my turn to post. I am late, actually. Several catchy articles compete for attention in my brain, all having to do with habits: “Top Ten Habits for a Clutter-Free Home,” ” How to Keep Children Interested in Schoolwork,” and “Habits for Keeping Hubby Happy.” All may be written someday, but right now […]
Avocado Egg Salad
I love avocado. I also love a fabulously easy, scrumptiously delicious recipe from The Pioneer Woman. Especially on a Saturday. Or any day. Now the recipe called for pulsing in a handy chopper. But out of sheer avoidance of dirtying something else, I just smushed it with a knife and fork. So, really, it doesn’t […]
Help for Making Habits Stick
Photo taken of Mary Engelbreit’s Silly Mother Goose board book. One of our readers recently asked: How do you make habits stick? Or you might be thinking… Are you kidding me? How can I accomplish that with all that is going on in my home? Yes, we are a website devoted to Habits for a […]
Help for Making Habits Stick
Photo taken of Mary Engelbreit’s Silly Mother Goose board book. One of our readers recently asked: How do you make habits stick? Or you might be thinking… Are you kidding me? How can I accomplish that with all that is going on in my home? For me, over the years with babies, toddlers, stacks of […]
Outdoor Hour Challenges Review – Handbook of Nature Study
“Make this summer a time to learn a little something new about your world. Finding time for these challenges will help this summer be one that your child will not only learn something new but make special seasonal memories for a lifetime.” – Barbara McCoy Lightning bugs. Frogs. Raccoons. Owls. Mosquitoes. Ants. Trees. Weather. Even […]
Corny Company Cornbread Around the Table
“This tastes like cake!” tall girl exclaims as she reaches for another slice. It’s a regular weeknight when I decide to make the recipe from the red and white checked, I’m Writing My Own Cookbook. The cookbook my mother gave me when I was a new bride. The well-loved scrapbook of family recipes. At the […]
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