We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government […]
The Habit of Moral Living – Part One
We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government […]
Winter Night Sky
When Daddy came home with a few things from the store, we all piled outside to help. We were delighted when we saw an almost full moon. And two of the children saw the ‘man in the moon’ for the first time. We went back in for supper and all the evening craziness. All the […]
Allergy Friendly Living Part Four – Egg Substitute
Most recipes I can make do without an egg. But, when I can’t, here are my favorite egg substitutes: Bread Beckers (4 options) – I most often use the first one. It’s etched in my brain. Cassandra’s Flax Eggs – will store in the fridge up to 10 days! Lil’ Buddy is the reason we […]
Special Valentine
Every year on Valentine’s Day my Sunday school class hosts a banquet for the widows in our church. This is an event I look forward to every year. It really warms my heart to witness the joy in these ladies as they all have someone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with again. We can never replace […]
The Saturday the Sun Arrived
It was a regular Saturday before Valentine’s. After weeks of winter weather, the sun was shining like spring. Then it happened. Right in the midst of folding laundry. The doorbell rang. And the sun arrived. The sun that warms us on the inside. A package from Sunbutter! Not only was it a package, it was […]
Allergy Friendly Living Part Three – Alert Wristband/Bracelet
The orange. It calls attention. The bracelet. It’s trendy. The stretchy band. It’s comfortable. Lil’ Buddy calls it his watch. I think calling it a watch is appropriate since it helps us and others ‘watch out’ for him. I had been on the look out for an allergy alert bracelet for a while. When the […]
Window Love Letters
Here it is. The day after Valentine’s Day. Was it as you expected? Let me encourage you to look for the ways your spouse speaks love. If it’s not in chocolates and roses, it could be a unique love language. Today I’m sharing our love story. Stepping back in time then fast forwarding to present […]
Window Love Letters
Here it is. The day after Valentine’s Day. Was it as you expected? Let me encourage you to look for the ways your spouse speaks love. If it’s not in chocolates and roses, it could be a unique love language. Today I’m sharing our love story. Stepping back in time then fast forwarding to present […]
Thankful hearts
(Photo of framed card by Marjolein Bastin) On this Valentine’s Day we are thankful for hearts. And we have thankful hearts for… 2220. my grandmother’s birthday this week. Getting to see her! 2221. piled up Valentine boxes. 2222. a whole Saturday morning with just one of my girls. 2223. two brothers, close together, figuring it […]
H is for Heart
A heart-shaped pancake on a heart-shaped plate! For Valentines…more on that pancake in The Saturday the Sun Arrived. (That’s a Sunbutter pancake there!) My entry in the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme. Other entries: A is for Angel B is for Brown-Headed Nuthatch C is for Crayon D is for Dough F is […]
Batch Cooking: Basic Beef
On a recent warehouse grocery trip, my husband picked up five pounds of ground beef. It wasn’t any regular sort of beef. It was a splurge – Angus. Not really wanting to wrestle with five pounds of ground beef when it arrived that afternoon, I reluctantly pulled the ingredients. But then, I thought ahead to […]
Back to Basics Series
A simple strategies, frugal living series over on Habits for a Happy Home. Back to basics – a basic routine Back to basics: Simple Suppers – give me easy and make it fast Back to basics: Vacation Planning – doubling recipes Back to basics: Big-shop cooking – using the crock pot to cook chicken, ground […]