There’s just something about fall that makes us want to go explore. The days are cooler and the colors are beautiful. Maybe you are looking for fall field trips around Atlanta too? I have a few to share with you! Below are some Atlanta destinations you don’t want to miss for Labor Day and beyond. […]
IKEA Work at Home Organization for Homeschool Mom
Roughly about this time every year I catch the organizational bug. It is usually brief so I have to spring into action when it hits. This year it has been about work at home organization for homeschool mom. It was time. In sixteen years of homeschooling and eight years of blogging, I have not had […]
5 Freedoms of Homeschooling
My family and I often appreciate the freedoms of homeschooling. I’ve been thinking on those quite a bit this last week. As we’ve started, slow and steady back to school, I’ve been pausing on the freedoms. Plus we’ve experienced some big milestones dropping our eldest off at college and starting 3rd, 5th, 9th and 12th […]
Sharing Hodgepodge Art and Homeschool
In continuing celebration of eight years of Hodgepodge this month, I am putting all that I have shared around the web – in one spot. Gathering the sharing of Hodgepodge art and homeschool with a smattering of recipes – interviews, Google Hangouts, Podcasts and guest posts – right here. Art No Fuss Art for Morning […]
Seashells Chalk Art Tutorial
Summer seashells are a favorite any time of year! It is especially fun to create a summer seashells chalk art. Can you just hear the ocean waves and see the sparkle of shells? Let’s gather our paper and chalk pastels… Summer Seashells Chalk Art Tutorial Chalk art supplies needed: brown construction paper or whatever paper […]
5 Reasons We Love Chalk Pastels
We celebrate chalk pastels daily here but this month we are celebrating eight years of Hodgepodge! Why do we love chalk pastels? Well, let me share five reasons… ~Don’t miss the GIANT You ARE an Artist Package giveaway at the end! 5 Reasons We Love Chalk Pastels Yes we love acrylic paint, watercolors, markers, crayons […]
Our Favorite Digital Homeschool Resources
Among our favorites are digital homeschool resources. Why? Well, many reasons. Digital is more affordable. Digital passes down easily to siblings. It is easy to open, click and print. Digital resources do not take up much space! It is very quick to look up an assignment and recheck just what that history fact was. Digital […]
Homeschool Resources for Auditory Learners
Do you have learners that love audio books? Have you noticed that your child learns best by listening? Well we have at least a couple of children that learn best this way as well. We first discovered the auditory way of learning when our children were small and listened to books Nana read aloud – […]
5 Reasons Why We Are Such a Hodgepodge
Have you ever wondered about the story behind the blog name Hodgepodge and the mixture that makes us what we are? If so, please read on because I share with you five reasons we are such Hodgepodge. See, even before 2008, I really wanted to blog. But it wasn’t until August of that year that […]
College Dorm Checklist
We’ve been preparing for our eldest to move to her college dorm in just a few weeks. So, we’ve been going through the college dorm checklist. The further we got into preparing, the more we found we learned. So, we are sharing our tips with you – complete with a college dorm shopping video from […]
You ARE an Artist! Never Stop Learning
Italy – June – 2016 There is a saying on my kitchen wall at home, and it says, “NEVER stop learning!” I am a grandmother of seven, mother of two, work with Georgia politicians full time, and consider myself a part-time artist of sorts. Painting by Lucia Hames I am known on the Internet as […]
Simple Strategies for Feeding the Family
I had the privilege of sharing Simple Strategies for Feeding the Family at Your Best Homeschool Year Ever online summit with Lori Lane and The End in Mind. In anticipation of that, I am sharing some favorite resources for feeding the family – all in one spot – so they are easy to find. But […]
Updated Tapestry of Grace Review
Have we continued to find Tapestry of Grace a good fit for our homeschool? A whole-hearted yes! We really like to stick with what works. I’ve always said that I face a daily dose of chaos homeschooling five children. Tapestry of Grace puts us all on the same learning road. That is very important in […]