Over the next weeks we will be enjoying a few, long-standing homeschool habits – those holiday homeschool celebrations. With both Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, our schedule is a little different. Not only because are involved in several activities at church and in drama productions, plus blessed with family times but also because it is […]
Chalk Pastel Storage
Not long ago I received a question about chalk pastel storage from a fellow artist… Pictured above: the chalk pastel storage drawer and our Angry Birds Chalk Pastel Tutorial. Question: “Hi Tricia! We’ve loved doing many of your chalk pastel tutorials. Thank you!! How do you store your pastels? I thought I remembered seeing a […]
Fall Homeschool and College Visits
It has been a long time since I have shared a homeschool update! Like you, we have been busy with the needs of the age range. More than ever before, I feel like our days whiz by – from the elementary ages up to our daughter in her senior year. And, just when I think […]
Healthy Mama Journey Update
It has been a long time since I’ve shared an update on my healthy mama journey. Since January, I see! AND I am coming up on my two year trimaversary. Yes, I started Trim Healthy Mama two years ago the week of Thanksgiving. (Don’t miss it! I am giving away two (2) copies of the […]
Learn Even More Science with Art
Mixing in just a little art blesses the whole homeschool day. Opening up that creative side of the brain helps reinforce learning. Plus, art simply brings a smile to a child’s face. Art might help your child enjoy science even more! Ok, so you might ask, how does our science and art time go? I’ll […]
Goldfish Pond Chalk Art Tutorial
Last week we visited our friends’ goldfish pond. We’ve always loved their goldfish pond with the rippling water and beautiful goldfish with white, flowing fins! We’ve talked about a goldfish pond chalk art tutorial to capture the lily pads and the orange goldfish. We decided it was time – because we got to visit our […]
Fall Activities and Events Around Atlanta
It’s such a wonderful time of year to be out and about. Beautiful, cooler weather! We have our share of field trips planned. How about you? I wanted to be sure you knew about these opportunities for fall activities and events around Atlanta. A few ideas for my fellow, frugal, metro Atlanta Georgians! image […]
10 Ways to Make Art Easy
Sometimes we make art difficult. Yet, just 10 minutes with crayons can be beautiful! Dear friends. You just need to say yes. Just do it. Nana says, “Think it, dream it, PAINT it!” Take a deep breath and fold yourself into the possible messiness. With children there is bound to be a mess. But that […]
Alphacolor Chalk Pastels – You ARE an Artist
Because you ARE an artist…We are sharing the love of art! ~ This post contains affiliate links to art supplies we adore. If you click on them and purchase, you won’t pay anything extra but you will help us continue to offer art tutorials for free. Thanks for that! Today we are giving away the […]
IKEA Girls Rooms
Over the last five years it has made such a difference to add vertical storage space from IKEA. It not only helps with organization but cuts down on the visual clutter. And, in the last two months we have made over three girls’ rooms. IKEA Girls Rooms! Our two youngest girls have shared a room […]
IKEA Boys Room
In continuation of our IKEA homeschool spaces, today I share our IKEA boys’ room! We have been adding IKEA organization – in stages and as we can afford them – over the last five years and it has made such a difference to have that vertical storage space. Plus cut down on the visual clutter. […]
IKEA Homeschool Spaces
It’s not quite as glamorous as those HGTV shows but after much sorting, moving, purging, and about three boxes of magic eraser and two gallons of paint, the end result was SO worth it. And, for the record, my husband is awesome. IKEA homeschool spaces at our house are not fancy but functional. Not Pinterest-perfect […]
Helpful Homeschool Habit: Start Something New
Though we are half way through September, I feel like we keep having fresh starts. This is the year to start something new. Yes, it is so good to stick with what works, but on this homeschool journey our days are always changing with growing children. Different needs. New seasons. Geography in the family room. […]