26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year -Sometimes you need a reminder that people can do wonderful things. #1 in 2012: 3 things Zig Ziglar told me at lunch | Jon Acuff’s Blog – (It’s fitting that this was the most popular post this year, because this year we lost a legend.) A few weeks ago […]
Declare an Extras Day
Clearing my calendar can be freeing. There’s just something about a long stretch of time without commitments. Children feel the same way when they aren’t hurried through activities. A whole day to paint and create? Yes, please. Knowing that I can give our homeschool an extras day was somewhat revolutionary to me. Because all of sudden […]
The Homeschool Extras Within Sight
Now friends, this tip is one that was just right there in front of my face. The homeschool extras within sight. A couple of years ago, when trying to find an answer for the overflowing library book basket, I looked up and spied the mantel. I thought, why not? I set aside the usual thoughts […]
The Habit of Praying for Others
Prayer is a very important part of my life. I have to admit though, it has been a selfish part of my life for many years. I looked back and realized that so much of my prayer life was about me or the things around me that would make my life easier. You ask and […]
How to Fit In All the Homeschool Extras with Time Management
Time is on your side, homeschool friends. Really it is. You really aren’t behind. You really can enjoy the extras. And today I share my best tips for how to fit in all the homeschool extras with time management. Most of these you likely know about. But you may be like me and need a […]
How to Replace Old Thoughts with New Thoughts
It’s so easy to compare ourselves with others. I think we do it daily, in many different ways, without even thinking about it! The first thing that comes to mind when I think about comparing myself to others is my looks. It’s almost impossible not to see pictures of celebrities on a daily basis… whether […]
When the Homeschool Schedule Allows for Rest
We’ve been acting like homeschoolers over here. See, I’ve always loved the freedom of a homeschool schedule. This time it has afforded us rest. While we are usually full swing back to school, we’ve been taking care. Coming directly off the heels of most of the Hodgepodge with a month of flu, Littlest Girl had […]
Habits for a Healthy Home
This time of year seems to bring about lots of fun, family, gatherings, and…sickness! Everywhere we turn we hear of someone who’s sick with the flu or with a stomach virus or strep. You want to “greet one another with a holy kiss” as the Bible says but honestly, you find yourself holding your breath […]
Hodgepodge Homeschool Reviews
Did you know that Hodgepodgedad and I both share homeschool curriculum and product reviews? Today at The Curriculum Choice, I’m teaming up with Handbook of Nature Study to offer a review of Ranger Rick, Jr. Barb-Harmony Art Mom is reviewing the Ranger Rick, Jr magazine and I am reviewing their new AppVentures Lions iPad app. […]
Chalk Pastel Box: A Tutorial
Nana thought it would be fun to make our chalk pastel box. And that it surely was. But most of all – colorful! So here she is with chalk pastel box: a tutorial. Little Buddy joined in first. He made his own creation while Nana sketched off the chalk pastel box. He narrated his artwork […]
GOD is NOT dead NOR does HE sleep!
GOD is NOT dead, NOR does HE sleep!! Isn’t that FANTASTIC news for those that belong to HIM through HIS son JESUS!! GOD is NOT dead, NOR does HE sleep!! Come on read it again, but out loud this time…. GOD is NOT dead, NOR does HE sleep!! Doesn’t it have an incredibly sweet ring to it…. GOD […]
Prep for a New Homeschool Semester
Remember I mentioned that I’ve been planning here and there over Christmas break? Just 15 minutes to half an hour a morning for each child. Then the rest of the day with family and a Hodgepodge of other things. This magazine rack type shelf over the family room couch is very handy. I decided that […]
Easy Stromboli and Other Simple Recipes
Busy weeknights, simple lunch time, a favorite for all time. My friend Kim’s stromboli recipe is an easy way to fill tummies. I usually keep it simple with shredded cheese and turkey pepperoni for filling. But you can make it heartier with lunch meat like Kim does. Easy stromboli recipe at $5 Dinners. A few […]