It’s been several weeks since I shared a Collage Friday weekly wrap. So I have a few collages to share. But first, a favorite curriculum… When you stick with a curriculum throughout your homeschool years, I believe it speaks volumes to its success and ability to meet the needs of different learning styles. Three of […]
Stepping Away From the Habit of the Internet
During the first week of June, my husband and I went on our first vacation in four years and we went without the kids—except for Posey, the Chihuahua. We went to a remote place called Cedar Key, Florida, which has only 1,000 year-round residents. It’s a clamming and fishing town which makes half of its […]
Southern Chocolate Coca-Cola Cake Recipe {5 Fun Coke Ideas}
Today I’m sharing the latest Coca-Cola happiness around here. A recipe and more! Chocolate Coca-Cola Cake Recipe (Allergy-Friendly) I’ve heard of this southern phenomenon. It was time we tried it. We used the Chocolate Coca-Cola recipe from My Recipes and mixed in our favorite egg substitute to make it allergy friendly. I served it after […]
10 Great Things About Teaching Multiple Ages
This is a Really Big Homeschool Year for us. A really big year. And I’m excited about it. Here’s why: 1. Homeschooling high school. The first year of high school – 9th grade! My eldest girl has been transitioning into rhetoric level over this last year. High school. Complete with SAT, college applications, driving, upper […]
WHY? A Psalm 51 Prayer
Why do I do what I don’t want to do? Why do I say what I don’t want to say? Why don’t I do more of what I should do? Why do I say NO more than I say YES? Why don’t I look them in the eye and give them my full attention? Why […]
White Flag
~by Music, Markers and Musings
Surviving Life with Boys: Creating a Sanctuary
All of the things I have shared have definitely helped to tone down the chaos in our home. But the reality is that it is not possible for my house to be as quiet and clean as I would like. Even if I spent every minute of the day cleaning, people live here. Precious boys […]
10 Tips for Staying Happily Married
Last weekend, Brian and I celebrated our 22nd anniversary. I can hardly believe it’s been that long since the day we said “I do.” We have come a long way since then and rarely have we sailed along without any trouble at all. Yet we’re still a couple, still enjoying each other’s company. I would […]
A Hodgepodge of FAQ Homeschool Questions
Homeschooling is a journey. It’s a lifestyle. For me, it’s a passion. And, for others looking at us, it is sometimes a curiosity. I’m continually surprised at the type of questions I get from those intrigued by our homeschool. And I love to encourage fellow homeschoolers. So, today, I share with you the most frequently […]
10 Resources for Sibling Harmony
“Get out of my room!” “Mo – ommm! She’s bothering me!” I’m reminded of Bill Cosby’s routine, “…down came the informer.” Do you have one of those? We do and I have to admit the information has saved us from disaster a few times. But I also find myself, like Cosby’s wife, sometimes talking to […]
Put the Pause on Summer
It’s the last week. The last week before we start to hear of ‘back to school’ advertising. You know it all starts next week with Independence Day. Right when we’re just getting settled into a summer routine. A couple more weeks we’ll even see fall fashions in the stores. So this girl is determined. Pause […]
S’moreos and S’more Really Great Cookie Recipes
S’mores are summer. Summer is s’mores. Add in Oreos and it’s even more. Even more of a special treat. And you can treat even more. Translation: S’moreos last longer than traditional s’mores in our larger family. Don’t miss the delicious fun at $5 Dinners. Click over to S’moreos. In celebration of cookies, here are a […]
Homeschool Workboxes: Reorganization By Subject
In the last weeks of school we realized something. Our homeschool room organization was off. Well, not only had we not kept up with the paper overflow but we realized we’d outgrown the current system. See, we still use workboxes with the younger three children. And a few here and there for the older two […]