Are you returning to a routine in your January homeschool? Here is an example of how the first two weeks of January can go for a homeschool family with multiple ages from first grade to a high school junior.

January Homeschool Routine for Multiple Ages
- Return of the Routine
- The Sidetracks of Homeschool
- Mid-Term Homeschool Assessment
- Clean Slate: Planning and Dreaming for the New Year
- The Very Best Tips for Homeschooling in January: A Homeschool Mom’s Secrets
We sort of slow step into a routine. Making sure we get the basics done, our teeth brushed 🙂
An Example of a Homeschool Week
What we’ve accomplished:
- Back to Math – I feel like if we can get that routine going first then it is all downhill.
- Driver’s Education
- SAT Prep Course work
- Back to all extracurricular – piano, keyboarding lessons, the cast list for Aladdin in drama troupe (after a wonderful production of The Little Drummer Boy in December), regular church activities (choir, handbells, missions, youth group) – after our piano gals played at the mall in early December.
- Science experiments – a whole slew of them this afternoon with Hodgepodgedad.
- Field trip – to High Museum coming up! (Lots for local homeschoolers and other winter family fun)
- Georgia State Capitol field trip (photos here and here)
- Visual Latin
- Constitutional Literacy
- Fantasia
- Leap Frog Learn to Read shows
- Cheaper by the Dozen
How Homeschooling in Winter Can Work
How You ARE an ARTiST Started!
Before there was a Clubhouse membership and before video art courses, there were art curriculum ebooks!
In other news:
Because I have received so many questions, I created a How to Get Your Start in Essential Oils page which lists all my posts and information on how the oils have blessed us. We’ve been blessed with Young Living essential oils since 2014. I have seen the interest in them grow immensely. I have talked to many friends, family members, blog friends, church members and I think that folks are simply sick and tired of being sick and tired! I have personally taught one Benefits of Essential Oils class and have another one coming up next week.
Homeschool Art Activities for Winter Homeschooling
We published an American Landmarks with art for all ages late last year. Perfect for American studies and field trip follow up. Or simply for the sheer love of beautiful spots in the United States.
Homeschool Moms Getting Together!
January Homeschool Routine In Summary
This January homeschool routine is updated from the days of homeschooling five children from first grade to 11th grade back in 2015!
Thanks for sharing all those links, Tricia! I thought I’d caught up with your blog but I spotted a few I’ve missed on your list.
Tricia — you are so encouraging and helpful. I love your wisdom and insight into the high school years. It’s very hard for me to believe we are almost there — and I cannot imagine the emotions as you face having a senior. Good job, mama. 🙂
Mary- thank you! I now have the years behind us to say what I have always heard – you can homeschool high school. And they are truly, truly some of the most rewarding and wonderful ones of your homeschooling. That is not to say there aren’t challenges and bumps in the road. But I am so very grateful for it. You are almost there!
I am so glad you posted this. Your wrap-up posts are always so encouraging to me. I am going through the same thing, with two seniors next year.
Phyllis!! I feel like I have been standing beside you all along in this. It is hard to believe! Thank you for your sweet comment.
Your posts are always so fun. And seriously, I am so OVER winter, but your fireside photo does look cozy. 🙂
I hear you! Only seven weeks til daylight savings! Each day there is more and more sunlight. Squee!!!
I love your school area! And my goodness, how tall are those windows?!
Looks like you guys had a great week and a cozy time. And again, I’m so excited about doing some of your tutorials with chalk pastels. Hmmm, let’s is Art day.
I think I just decided something! Lol.
Have a great weekend Tricia!
Thanks Lindsey! The angle I took that picture does make those windows look super tall. And HOORAY, hooray for art day!!! Can’t wait to see what you do. Have fun! 🙂
Thanks for the January encouragement…I needed that! Love the pic of too many library books on hold!
Lovely January post. My 2 oldest are now at universities and my 3rd will be a senior this fall. My youngest is 12. So I definitely know how short our time is with our children at home before they grow up and leave our nests. I am thankful for homeschooling because of the time it gives me with my children. Precious, valuable time! Enjoy your cozy fires. We are having a humid summer here in Peru so we are just grateful when a breeze blows through our apartment.