My entry in the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme. Hi! My name is Luci, and I am 13 years old. I love Jesus with all my heart ♥ I have a passion for photography and music. ~Music, Markers & Musings.
Helpful Habit – Annual Planning and Goal Setting
I’m keeping up the habit of sharing a helpful habit on Fridays. Plus, this post is also our Homeschool Weekly Wrap and the new habit I’m enjoying – Camera Phone Friday! In the true fashion of a Hodgepodge (hodgepodge |ˈhäjˌpäj|(Brit. hotchpotch ) noun [ in sing. ]a confused mixture). First, our Camera Phone Friday mosaic […]
Phyllis @ All things Beautiful gave me a sweet surprise! Thank you so much Phyllis! Sweet from the sweet! If you all haven’t visited her, please do. Besides her All things Beautiful, she also posts regularly on her Household Ways and Beautiful Ideas blog. May I also ask that you, dear readers, pray for her husband, […]
Nana’s Homemade Hummus
Folks, hummus is awfully expensive ready-made in grocery stores but it is easy to make yourself, inexpensive, and good for you! : Nana’s Homemade Hummus Ingredients: One 16 oz. can of chick peas (or you can get a bag of dried chickpeas MUCH cheaper; follow the directions on the bag and you will have enough […]
Melted Cheese
I learned how to eat this yummy snack when I couldn’t eat wheat. I’m glad I can have gluten now. But I still LOVE this! Nana said she used to have it for breakfast when she was a little girl. I eat it for breakfast sometimes. But mostly for an afternoon snack. : Melted Cheese […]
Biscuits and Gravy: Simple Supper + Southern Red-Eyed Gravy Recipe
Short and sweet. Biscuits and gravy. Simply filling and positively frugal. (Shown above with turkey bacon, fresh peaches and a little cup full of homemade slow cooker strawberry yogurt). The options and variety for this simple supper are endless. Biscuits and gravy are on our breakfast for supper rotation. Plus, if a child is beside […]
Bird’s Nest: A Pastels Tutorial
Oh wow. Gorgeous. That’s what we all said when Nana came in with her latest chalk pastel of a bird’s nest. Beautiful! We wanted to make one too. So Nana taught us how to weave the colors just like birds do – making layers. Ready your pale yellow, yellow, black, dark brown, orange and dark […]
Back to School Big Cook # 2 + Two Week Menu
This past Saturday was another impromptu batch cooking day. Saturday morning I made a double batch of pancakes while we were having an easy-going morning. The benefits of the batch resulted in two gallon-sized freezer bags stacked full of pancakes. Then, after Hodgepodgedad’s trip to the grocery, I found myself blessed with six pounds of […]
Habits that Last
It’s August already! For many of us, August means back to school, back to a schedule, back to a routine. I always love the start of a new school year. I love planning the new schedule. I love to think of all the little things I’d like to incorporate into our day. We always start strong. […]
The Many Adventures of a 21-month-old
~In honor of the third blogoversary of Hodgepodge this month, I’ll be occasionally posting favorites from the archives. This one, from August 2007, was written a year before blogging… The Many Adventures of a 21-month-old Since the early a.m. I have: dumped out the contents of the electric pencil sharpener and decorated my legs with […]
Simple Supper: Sunday Night Cereal
It’s ok. Really it is. It’s ok to eat cereal for supper on Sunday night. Because it’s simple. Because we’ve usually had a really big meal at lunch time after church. Plus, if you add fresh fruit on top it’s really healthy. Cereal. It’s our Sunday night simple supper. Most every week.
First Week of School 2011-12
1. Allergy-Friendly (egg-free!) pimento cheese | 2. Mama Ann, Middle Girl & her newest great-grandchild | 3. Teaching Textbooks Math before the pool | 4. Kindergartener and Rod & Staff G, H, I books | 5. Annual First Day of School Photo | 6. Pool fun | 7. Post-grocery snack | 8. Time to make […]
Annual School Photo: Helpful Habit
Our 2011 First Day of School Photo. All our school photos from 2001 to 2011. Moments. Each one of these photos. A simple habit to preserve memories. A picture taken at about the same time every year. Whatever sort of school your child attends. Preserving the dimple of a baby hand… The short hairstyle of […]