Now you know I’ve always said if you add a stick of butter you have a southern recipe. This Old Timey Butter Rolls recipe from Southern Plate is a delight. This was so tasty and such a hit all around. I’m thinking I’ll put this on the list for a Big Cook. Nana made the […]
All that goodness
To every thing there is a season, a time for every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 I don’t relish the busy. Jam packed days full of activities and ‘have to’s needing to be checked off. But it occurred to me, as I gazed at the calendar chock full of events, that each one is […]
K is for Knife
Knife cutting the favorite pone of cornbread. My entry in the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme. Other entries: A is for Angel B is for Brown-Headed Nuthatch C is for Crayon D is for Dough E is for Earthworm F is for Flower Girls G is for Giggling Siblings H is for Heart […]
Meal Plan: Just a Sandwich
Yes, a meal plan stacked high with sandwiches. I need to hone my sandwich making skills with warmer weather coming. But it won’t be just any regular ol’ sandwiches. Inspiration comes from $5 Dinners Breakfast and Lunch Cookbook as well as the red and white checked I’m Writing My Own Cookbook. So settle in and […]
Helpful Habit – Morning Room Time
Continuing to share the basic habits that bless our homeschool. Last week, I shared our Before 8:45 Checklist habit. Morning Room Time is the habit that blesses all ages. It’s how I can be in two places at once! Both helping our littlest ones and helping the older ones with math. It’s the answer to […]
Quiche – Quick and Quite Delicious at $5 Dinners
I’m sharing Mama Ann’s quiche recipe at $5 Dinners. Join me? With plenty of opportunities for luncheons and brunches coming up, don’t overlook the chance to make an easy quiche. It’s also a simple and frugal, last-minute supper to pull together. Especially if you already have store-bought, frozen pie shells on hand. The secret to […]
Spring Birds
We love our birds and enjoy watching them. So, for our spring time nature study, each of the children chose a favorite bird that we are seeing frequent our yard. We talked about the seasons and which birds we see more of when. We all look forward to seeing some gold finches soon, hopefully. Cardinal […]
If Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy!
Have you ever known a woman like that? It’s going to be done her way or no way at all. In this world, this selfish world we live in, we all want what we want when we want it and want things done in the way we want them done. Our children are born selfish […]
Window Observer Feeder – Our Favorite
From the November 2008 archives… This week we started filling our bird feeders again. We remembered that it is especially entertaining for a baby in a high chair to watch birds appear at the feeder. I guess my excuse for not keeping up with them is life got busy this last year? The birds, of […]
Introducing Melanie Robbins of Passionate Purposeful Parenting
We, at Habits for a Happy Home, have the pleasure of introducing you to Melanie Robbins. She is the mother and writer behind Passionate Purposeful Parenting. We are excited to announce that she will be writing for us quarterly! Today she is hosting us on her site. I encourage you to click over and spend […]
Wedding Shower Paper Chain
Coming up in a couple short weeks we will celebrate a cousin’s wedding! All of my girls will have the privilege of a part in the ceremony in some way. Littlest girl is a flower girl! Two years ago, when another cousin of mine wed, I saw these beautiful paper chains on Everyday Celebrating. You […]
A Rose for Mother’s Day
“When I was a kid, if a mother came to church without a corsage from her children, the whole family went on everybody’s prayer list.” – ‘Our Sunday Best’ by Valerie Fraser Luesse, April 2010 Southern Living I remember Mother’s Day Sundays growing up. Our tradition was a bit different. We children would wear a […]
Rose for Mother’s Day
from the archives, in honor of mothers… “When I was a kid, if a mother came to church without a corsage from her children, the whole family went on everybody’s prayer list.” – ‘Our Sunday Best’ by Valerie Fraser Luesse, April 2010 Southern Living I remember Mother’s Day Sundays growing up. Our tradition was a […]