Here is a permanent spot for our homeschool curriculum choices at Hodgepodge. I wanted it to be easy for you to find our favorites and easy for me to share when I get a curriculum question (because we have such an age range and I share many reviews at The Curriculum Choice). I’ve spent some […]
Cupcake Acrylic Paint Tutorial
This lesson is narrated by Middle Girl. Both Nana and Middle Girl took the photos for this cupcake acrylic paint tutorial. Cupcake Acrylic Paint Tutorial This is a little different from our usual chalk pastels! Last weekend Nana surprised my younger sister and I with an acrylic paint lesson! She spent a little time explaining […]
ENO Hammock Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
Any time the weather starts to turn a bit warm and breezy, we long to spend some time outdoors. Often that means time in the ENO, gazing up at the trees and the blue sky. So, we thought it would be fun to follow up our outdoor time with a favorite ENO hammock chalk pastel […]
Lightning Bug Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
We have been oohing and aahing over the lightning bugs that light up the yard. We call them lightning bugs here in the south. You may call them fireflies. Either way they are simply gorgeous! When the lightning bugs start to come out at dusk we know that summer has truly arrived. We decided this […]
A Recipe for Teaching Multiple Ages
Welcome to 10 Days of Lasagna Learning! I’m so glad you are here. As homeschool mothers, parents, we can all learn from and help each other. I hope that some part of this series will bless you – whether you are balancing the needs of an age range or just starting your homeschool journey. So […]
The Ultimate Guide to Chalk Pastel Art
We are just a bit passionate about chalk pastel art around here. Chalk pastel art is fun. It is easy. It is successful. It is frugal. It is for all ages. There are simply so many things you can do with chalk pastels. And we are still learning about them, so I am sure I […]
Unique Senior Homeschool Year
We now have a third homeschool graduate! If ever I have been thankful for homeschooling, it is especially this year. Homeschooling has allowed us to tailor learning in a very specific way for our third child. In just one year, we have changed a senior year like we have no other. This unique senior homeschool […]
Summer Flip Flops Chalk Art Tutorial
Hooray! It is just about summertime! Almost everyone is out of school and it is time to go to the lake or the beach…wherever there is sand and water! And the favorite shoes are an old favorite. So let’s paint a Summer Flip Flops chalk art tutorial! Summer Flip Flops Chalk Art Tutorial This pastel […]
Graduation Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
Cue ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ because it is time to celebrate all graduates with a Graduation Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial. Graduation Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial Supplies needed: Light blue construction paper. Black, white and yellow chalk pastel colors. It is fun to start with your black chalk pastel stick and the graduation cap first. Plus, if […]
Star Wars BB8 Chalk Art Tutorial
“We should do a Star Wars BB8 chalk art tutorial!” our youngest exclaimed. And I am so glad we did. We share at least two options for painting BB8 with chalk pastels. You might come up with more – because you ARE an artist! First, BB8 in the desert sand of the planet… BB8 Chalk […]
Spiral Galaxy Chalk Art Tutorial
We have found that space art is so much fun! The results are spectacular. In honor of the release of our Chalk Pastels: Art in Space, we have a video Spiral Galaxy Chalk Art Tutorial. This tutorial is included in our new art book. Spiral Galaxy Chalk Art Tutorial Chalk Art Supplies: black construction paper […]
I Honestly Don’t Know How You Do It
Have you heard that statement? “I honestly don’t know how you do it.” Or the question – “how do you teach so many different ages?” Well, we’ve covered that in many ways in this series. But, today’s topic is for you, the homeschool parent. It seems that statement or question always hits me on one […]
Hand Print Easter Lamb
You, dear reader, already know Nana. She shares the blessedly messy pastel lessons with us. She gave me the red and white checked family cookbook I share recipes from. Well, she has graciously agreed to be a regular contributor here on Hodgepodge! Today, she’s sharing a craft she helped the children with, Hand Print Easter […]