I know I mentioned this before. Fall fever gets me more than spring. Every season of homeschooling has its challenges. But fall– especially October – calls us out of the house more often with beautiful fall homeschool activities. These beautiful fall days are simply meant to be enjoyed. Beautiful Fall Homeschool Activities For All Ages […]
Beautiful October Homeschool Activities for Your Family
Enjoy these October homeschool activities which include art, nature study, seasonal fun and more ideas for a fantastic month of learning together. Photo by Amy Law Encouragement for Homeschool Moms Weekly Homeschool Planning Meeting with Multiple Ages – Along with our habits, our weekly homechool planning meeting helps build the ‘bones’ of our homeschool days. […]
How Your Busy Homeschool Week Can Help You Sleep Well at Night
How can your busy homeschool week help you sleep well at night? Here is an example of a homeschool week full of activities with multiple ages! Having an age range to love and teach offers me big blessings, plenty of challenges plus the benefit of sleep coming easily at night. This week we packed in […]
The Homeschool Mom’s Ultimate List of Help For Back To Homeschool
With free printables, this homeschool mom’s ultimate list of help for back to homeschool includes encouragement, examples of routines and more! photo by Amy Law The Homeschool Mom’s Ultimate List of Help For To Back To Homeschool I have found that easing into a routine and celebrating the simple successes to go a long way […]
September Homeschool Activities To Make Learning Fun!
We have gathered the best September homeschool activities to make learning fun! Getting outdoors, making memories, creating art and more – all in one spot for you! Photo by Amy Law. Enjoy flower pressing at Homeschool Nature Study! Amy shares how here. September Homeschool Activities To Make Learning Fun! What a great month for nature studies, […]
Caramel Apples Recipe
This caramel apples recipe is so easy and fun for all ages. In our homeschool, making caramel apples is one of those things that we must do at least once every fall. YUM! For Your Fall Bucket List: Caramel Apples Recipe This is really more of a procedure than a recipe. I usually start with the […]
A Letter To My Child From A Homeschooling Mom
A letter to my child from a homeschooling mom shares building a legacy by writing a letter on your child’s birthday every year with thoughts and joys! I’m always on the lookout for good books. Last year, Kerri suggested Her Mother’s Hope, by Francine Rivers. It is an incredible story of a woman named Marta […]
The Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Awesome August Activities
Whether you are back to school or just now thinking about it, these awesome August activities will get you on a great start! The Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Awesome August Activities Let’s start with some inspiration for mom! Homeschool Mom Resources: “August Professional Development” Reflecting on life’s seasons – Recently, I spent some time reflecting […]
Help For The Anxious Homeschool Mom
How do we let go of that anxiety and take hold of the peace of God? Here is help for the anxious homeschool mom with encouraging Bible verses! Encouraging Bible Verses Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of […]
How Are You Qualified to Be a Homeschool Teacher?
How are you qualified to be a homeschool teacher? This highly educated man looked me straight in the face and asked his pointed question. His rimmed glasses balanced just slightly down on his nose. “How are you qualified to be a homeschool teacher?” he asked. Immediately my defensiveness swelled. The protective mother and ‘how dare […]
Helpful Homeschool Habit: Pressing On
The helpful homeschool habit pressing on helps us focus on finishing well. Here is an example of our homeschool week and the great resources we have found to help our homeschool days with multiple ages. In our homeschool we are pressing on. There are a few subjects we have finished. And the calendar is filled […]
Letting Go Of All The Stuff: Homeschool Mom Encouragement
Letting go of all the stuff we accumulate in our homeschools and our lives can be difficult. This is encouragement for homeschool mom looking to let go of the unnecessary and let God lead. Stuff. . .we all have it. . .some of us collect it more than others. I happen to have my share […]
How To Make a Homeschool Family Summer Wish List
This homeschool family summer wish list will get you going towards an ultimate summer of making memories and having fun for all ages! So it’s June. And if you’re like me, you let out a big sigh, ready to settle into the summer and just relax for a bit. There are a million thoughts in […]