A letter to my child from a homeschooling mom shares building a legacy by writing a letter on your child’s birthday every year with thoughts and joys! I’m always on the lookout for good books. Last year, Kerri suggested Her Mother’s Hope, by Francine Rivers. It is an incredible story of a woman named Marta […]
The Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Awesome August Activities
Whether you are back to school or just now thinking about it, these awesome August activities will get you on a great start! The Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Awesome August Activities Let’s start with some inspiration for mom! Homeschool Mom Resources: “August Professional Development” Reflecting on life’s seasons – Recently, I spent some time reflecting […]
Help For The Anxious Homeschool Mom
How do we let go of that anxiety and take hold of the peace of God? Here is help for the anxious homeschool mom with encouraging Bible verses! Encouraging Bible Verses Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of […]
How Are You Qualified to Be a Homeschool Teacher?
How are you qualified to be a homeschool teacher? This highly educated man looked me straight in the face and asked his pointed question. His rimmed glasses balanced just slightly down on his nose. “How are you qualified to be a homeschool teacher?” he asked. Immediately my defensiveness swelled. The protective mother and ‘how dare […]
Helpful Homeschool Habit: Pressing On
The helpful homeschool habit pressing on helps us focus on finishing well. Here is an example of our homeschool week and the great resources we have found to help our homeschool days with multiple ages. In our homeschool we are pressing on. There are a few subjects we have finished. And the calendar is filled […]
Letting Go Of All The Stuff: Homeschool Mom Encouragement
Letting go of all the stuff we accumulate in our homeschools and our lives can be difficult. This is encouragement for homeschool mom looking to let go of the unnecessary and let God lead. Stuff. . .we all have it. . .some of us collect it more than others. I happen to have my share […]
How To Make a Homeschool Family Summer Wish List
This homeschool family summer wish list will get you going towards an ultimate summer of making memories and having fun for all ages! So it’s June. And if you’re like me, you let out a big sigh, ready to settle into the summer and just relax for a bit. There are a million thoughts in […]
A Parent’s Guide: Choosing a Family Title for Your Homeschool
Set the tone for your family with these fun and memorable ideas for creating a title for your homeschool family. This even includes idea for naming the rooms in your home! Your tone, your adjectives. How you talk about your family places value. Early in our parenting, we learned about a very simple, yet highly […]
Homeschooling High School Learning Styles
There are so many wonderful ways to meet homeschool high school learning styles. Use these ideas and examples for your high schooler’s homeschool day as well! I find myself in the countdown to graduation of my second high schooler! Can you believe that the graduation cap and gown has shipped and is on its way […]
Getting Away: Great Ideas for Anniversary Trips
These are practical tips and great ideas for anniversary trips. Plan to get away and do something extra special together to celebrate your marriage. My husband and I decided before we were married not to give each other gifts for our anniversaries. Instead, we decided to take the money that would have been spent on […]
The Habit of Rest for the Homeschool Mom
Just rest, Mama. The Lord has been reminding me that rest is what I need. He’s been reminding me of the habit of rest. His habit of rest. He’s been telling me for several weeks. Step back and rest. –> Step out of the urgent into the quiet, out of your regular spot. Look to […]
Getting Away: Homeschool Family Travel Tips
Getting away with your family is a wonderful memory making opportunity! Here are the best homeschool family travel tips! Something about the 40 degree breezes of early spring makes me dream of vacation. I don’t know if it was growing up in a tiny town, or the two thousand mile trek across the country in […]
Could Your Child Be Dyslexic? A Homeschool Mom’s Guide
Could your child be dyslexic? There is help and much hope! Some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs and artists have dyslexia! Today, it is with great pleasure that I welcome Marianne Sunderland of Homeschooling with Dyslexia. I have been so very much looking forward to her visit! I know that several of my readers have […]