We are such big Star Wars fans that we are always up for a movie marathon. How about a Star Wars art marathon? Grab your black construction paper, a starter set of chalk pastels and pick your favorite Star Wars character or scene to start with. Then move to another and then another for an […]
Celebrating a Homeschool Graduate
When I was a young mother I wondered why those with older children seemed to not have much to share or say. Now that I am that mother celebrating a homeschool graduate – number two – I know why. Life is super busy. It is a different sort of busy from the survival-in-the-trenches days of […]
How We Came to Love Teaching Textbooks in Our Homeschool
Balancing the needs of an age range of children is always something I am faced with. Back in the days of toddlers to pre-teens, we hit a bump in our homeschool math journey. Well, not just a bump but a puddle of tears and a pile of frustration most mornings. So here is the story […]
5 Fun Ways to Learn With Tapestry of Grace
In all my years of homeschooling with Tapestry of Grace, it seems moms can be so serious about learning how to ‘do’ Tapestry. I know I can get caught up in being all serious. But can we set the ‘how to’ aside and focus on the fun? I promise that through the fun you truly […]
Homeschool Year Home Stretch
Can you feel it too? We are definitely in the homeschool year home stretch. I think it dawned on me when the younger children all moved to the last Teaching Textbooks disc. That means we are almost done! Another homeschool year has flown by. It also means we have a chance to finish strong over these […]
Live Chalk Pastel Art Tutorials
One of the fun things that Nana, the children and I have been doing is Facebook Live Art Tutorials. Most every Wednesday at noon eastern time, we been sharing live chalk pastel art tutorials on the ChalkPastel.com Facebook page. We’ve also visited a few Facebook pages of some friends. Because it can sometimes be hard […]
Aunt Dot’s Banana Bread Recipe
I’m sure you have some wonderful favorite recipes you circle back around to. My Aunt Dot’s banana bread recipe is one of those for me. A classic family recipe from that red and white checked cookbook my mama gave me when I was a new bride. Her aunt Dot’s recipe. Lately we’ve been enjoying this […]
Practical Prayer
The community helpers puzzle. Its pieces dumped in the floor, again. I find myself frustrated, again. Frustrated to pick up the pieces and frustrated we were all sick. Frustrated we couldn’t get out and help the victims of recent flooding. Practical Prayer But the Lord calmly gave me an answer, in His patient way. As […]
Planning to be spontaneous – the household notebook
The household notebook – also known by many other names – the home binder, control journal, family organizer, command central, etc. It’s kind of the brain, if you will, containing all those things you need to keep track of in your home. All those things that, if you’re like me, you try to remember in […]
8 Ways to Conquer Math Phobia
We at Hodgepodge welcome Teaching Textbooks today to share answers for math phobia… How can you deal with a fear of math if your child has it? Don’t believe the lie that math is just a natural talent for the select few. Here are eight things you can do to improve your approach to homeschooling […]
Video Art Course for All Ages
You asked for it! And we are so excited to introduce our video art course for all ages! With the same simple art supply list as our written tutorials, this format makes it even easier to build a love of art this year. Don’t miss the GIANT chalk pastel giveaway at the end! Video Art […]
How to Make a Month of Meals to Fill Your Freezer
I am thrilled to introduce you to my long-time friend, Paige Harbuck! She has encouraged me in so very many ways and just one of those is in the area of feeding your family. She is sharing a series on freezer cooking with us. Her tips will change your life! Here’s Paige sharing how to […]
Best of Healthy Habits
Now we just couldn’t head into the new year without a look at a hodgepodge of healthy habits, could we? I’ll pulling out all the stops with the best of healthy mama habits. The Lord has blessed me with a wealth of tools and I just have to share about them and remind myself as […]