The encouragement offered in this collection of practical advice applies to getting back into a routine any time of year– whether it be after a summer break, a vacation, sickness or another reason. Our Return of the Routine ebook is for you… Return of the Routine ebook: 6 Simple Steps to Success You may […]
Homeschool High School to College
We are getting our first child ready to move to college. Making lists, buying books (not unlike purchasing homeschool curriculum), filling out medical forms and more. While we have been doing this, it occurred to me that you might be interested in all I have shared about homeschooling high school plus our college search process. […]
Slow Cooker Batch Cooking ebook
An absolutely free Slow Cooker Batch Cooking ebook for you. It is the super supper saver! Save supper with this simple slow cooker strategy. Save money! Family meal time is easy and you won’t spend big bucks on delivery or drive thru. Slow Cooker Batch Cooking I’ve compiled the how tos for batch cooking ground […]
Homeschool Graduation Favorites
What a privilege to watch our eldest graduate from high school! It’s a day we’ve long anticipated in our homeschool but it always seemed so far off on the horizon. This past senior year, however, things sped along. I thought I’d share some suggestions, some successes and definitely some homeschool graduation favorites – in case […]
Shark Week Art Tutorials
We get excited about sharks here at Hodgepodge. We have a long-time, resident shark-lover. She is the one that told us all about night sharks and other favorites. With Shark Week coming up, we take a gentle approach with shark week art tutorials. With that in mind, we are sharing a brand new Swimming Shark […]
More on Tapestry of Grace
Tapestry of Grace is the framework for our days, the backbone of our learning. Our five children have all learned together – each on their own particular level and within their own learning style – because of Tapestry of Grace. Just this month our eldest has graduated homeschool – having learned with Tapestry from elementary […]
You ARE Summer Artists
One of our passions here at Hodgepodge is to help you realize or remind you that you ARE an artist! Not only do we share art tutorials but we are also on the look out for resources for you, our fellow artists. Over the last two years we have fallen in love with Dover Publications […]
Hodgepodge Homeschool Year Wrap Up
May was a busy flurry of celebratory activities. The month was full with a drama production, piano recital, family reunion plus wonderful senior recognition times at our church. It was great to celebrate all of these accomplishments and applaud a year of hard work. I am very, very proud of these children of mine! Here […]
Dory and Nemo Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
We are big time fans of Finding Nemo so you know that we are excited about Finding Dory too! Of course we love to celebrate with art so we are sharing a Dory and Nemo Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial. The rich blues of the deep ocean and, of course, Dory the blue tang fish. We […]
You ARE an Artist with Chalk Pastels
After we had been using chalk pastels a while, Nana gave us this BIG box of 144 chalk pastels. And, because we love them so much and know that they will bless you too – we want to give a brand new box to one of you, along with a gift certificate to! Because […]
Starfish Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
The last time we were at the beach we saw several of these beautifully shaped starfish. And since we are longing to be at the beach, we thought we would think back to that wonderful time and use our chalk pastels. A starfish chalk pastel art tutorial! This starfish (or sea star) is such fun […]
Use Summer to Build the Habit of Art
With summer just around the corner I wanted to suggest to you something. Use summer to build the habit of art. See, with all the regular, daily activities gone and all that empty calendar space, there is time. Time for relaxed art afternoons. Time to simply enjoy. I’ve shared about using summer to build habits… […]
Fun Art for May the 4th Be With You
Get ready to have some fun with art! Star Wars fun art for May the 4th be with you. So gather your chalk pastels and paper and pick… Fun Art for May the 4th Be With You A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… BB8 Star Wars Nebula Astronomy Spiral Galaxy Video […]