These advent family activities are a wonderful way to focus on the Savior during this Christmas season. With two options for advent chains, your family can count down to Christmas. I want to have my December game-plan before December hits. I want to create some intentional, meaningful memories this Christmas Season. I want to pass […]
Spider Web Activities For All Ages: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide
No need to be scared! You can have fun with this homeschool mom’s guide to spider web activities. Learn how to draw a spider web, explore the variety of webs in nature and even make a spider t-shirt! Fall activities for all ages. Spider and Spider Web Nature Activities for All Ages This nature study […]
How To Draw A Garden Spider With Chalk Pastels
Learn how to draw a garden spider with chalk pastels with Nana’s video art lesson! This tutorial was inspired by the garden spider and the web she built right out the Hodgepodge family room window. This is not the first time a garden spider chose to build her web within view. And so, the grandchildren pulled […]
Kids Activities At Home for Every Month of the Year
Enjoy this fun inspiration for at home kids activities for every month of the year! These are a homeschool mom’s favorites resources! photo by Amy Law Year Round Kids Activities At Home Need ideas for your homeschool day? We’ve included art, nature study, unit studies, lesson plans and more! January Homeschool Lessons The Very Best […]
Making Memories This Fall in Your Homeschool
Have you been thinking of making memories this fall in your homeschool? Leaf trips, tromps through my grandmother’s woods, and just noticing changes right in our own backyard. The cooler weather, brilliant blue skies and gorgeous tree color make a beautiful combination. Our nature studies are intertwined with wonderful memories with family this past month. […]
Top Ten Things to Do for Fun Without Spending Money
Recently, my husband and I were having a date at a large bookstore, reading and drinking coffee together, and I came across this book. I have not read the whole book, but skimmed through it and liked what I saw. In it, author Michelle Singletary talks of taking a 21-day fast from spending any money unnecessarily. […]
Homeschool Mom Tips: 5 Ways to Make Math Fun for Kids
If you ask homeschool parents, educators (or kids) which subject yields the most frustration or elicits the most sighs, chances are math is the one that ranks the highest. It is a subject that can cause a great deal of stress for people. Sometimes, kids can have so much stress associated with math that they […]
Homeschool Makeover: School Books on the Mantel
Sometimes rearranging refreshes learning. Sometimes a quick homeschool makeover also helps remedy the seasonal blahs. Me? I like to rearrange furniture. Especially in the dead of winter. But this idea took me a while. It took giving myself permission. A Quick Homeschool Makeover See, I thought a mantel was supposed to look a certain way. […]
Fun Solar Eclipse Activities for Your Homeschool
A solar eclipse is a great learning opportunity. Use these fun solar eclipse activities for your homeschool and make memories for lifetime with your family. Learn About Upcoming Solar Eclipses This Homeschool Year One of my favorite family memories is of our trip to the north Georgia mountains to see the eclipse in the path […]
Devotionals for Working and Homeschool Moms
These devotionals for working and homeschool moms are encouraging and practical for everyday life. I’ve finally embraced the fact that there are seasons and stages in life, and during these times there are often different expectations and standards I have for myself. I had been taught at an early age that it is important to […]
Planning Preschool Activities for Your Homeschool Year
What about the little ones? Here are our best tips for planning preschool activities for your homeschool year. I’m coming off of a weekend of spending a good deal of time planning, researching and seeking out the tools I’ll need to teach my older children. But besides “Will you homeschool through high school?” here is […]
Top Tips For Transitioning From Public School To Homeschool
You’ve decided to homeschool! Here are some encouraging and practical tips for transitioning from public school to homeschool. There really isn’t a magic formula. I just really wanted to share how you have the freedom to tailor your homeschool days to your schedule. You are making memories together every day! Most importantly, the Lord will […]
Top 10 Clutter Busting Secrets: Homeschool Mom Help
Simple and practical ideas with these clutter busting secrets plus homeschool mom help! My house is far from perfect. But it looks deceptively clean sometimes. How? I’ve put some principles into practice that help me keep on top of the messy piles that can accumulate so fast! And so, today I give you my… Top […]