Want immediate artistic results? Paint landscapes! It is an easy method for success. Nana has explained to us how the simple, straight lines and curves of a landscape are especially encouraging to budding artists. Draw a line for the horizon, blend in a brilliant sky, curve a path to the beach. That is is just […]
You Can Be An Artist – Just Practice!
Pastel chalks are an easy and almost instantly rewarding way to introduce a student to creativity. And there is a simple answer – just practice. Using the chalks are often referred to as “painting” rather than drawing. Chalks are pure paint pigment. Yes, they are messy and stain your fingers when you use them. We’ve […]
You Can Be An Artist! What is an Artist?
What is an artist? Webster defines it this way: Definition of ARTIST 1 a obsolete : one skilled or versed in learned arts b archaic : physician c archaic : artisan 1 2 a : one who professes and practices an imaginative art b : a person skilled in one of the fine arts I […]
Subscribe to Hodgepodge for Free Art Tutorials
Some exciting things to share! Dear friends if you haven’t already downloaded your free Volcano Chalk Pastel tutorial, please do so right away. The lesson will be going away before our new tutorial will post on Friday. The other good news? If you subscribe now, you will receive the newest chalk pastel tutorial when it […]
How to Be Your Husband’s Wife and Not His Mommy
As homeschool moms, we’re used to taking charge of our households during the day, managing the kids, their schooling, the pets, and the telephone all while juggling a laundry basket on one hip and a laptop on the other. When we finally sit down, we’ve got a school book in one hand and the Bible […]
What is Dew Learning?
“With Jesus Christ at the center, our aim is to shape both minds and hearts in his image.” ~This is a sponsored post. See full disclosure policy for more details~ The iPad is a homeschooling tool in our home in many ways. We use apps to supplement and enrich various subjects. Not long ago, my […]
Free HSLDA Membership for Parents of Preschoolers
Today we have a very special visitor! Vicki Bentley of HSLDA The Early Years and Everyday Homemaking is here to share about the absolutely free HSLDA membership available for parents of preschoolers. Plus, she is also giving away one regular membership to a homeschool family, five copies of her cookbook and five copies of the […]
Homeschool Math with Multiple Ages
Much about math with multiple ages? Well, you might not think it’s much. Because we basically have two resources that have worked well for our students so far. Lil’ Buddy will start Saxon K next year. But I am sharing how we actually get math done with all the grades plus the natural progression in […]
The Bowl
She brought it on a Sunday filled with homemade mashed potatoes. I admired the yellow bowl. So she gave it to me. Nana gave me my grandmother’s bowl. A yellow Pyrex bowl she’d found in the old shed on the farm. My grandfather had likely taken it out there to hold something. Probably something he […]
“This Day”
It is the beginning of a brand new day; a crisp, sunny morning and I have no idea what this day will hold, but I do know the one who holds ME. My Life Verse is Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” The […]
Five Apps for Heavenly Habits
Technology can definitely be used to build heavenly habits. Today, at Habits for a Happy Home, I’m sharing five of my favorite heavenly apps. Won’t you join me? Five Apps for Heavenly Habits…
Five Apps for Heavenly Habits
Technology can definitely be used for heavenly habits. Amy recently showed us how she uses the voice memo iPhone app to help with scripture memorization. Little Sanctuary shares encouraging and challenging links from around the web. Kendra talked about being light on social media. Sherri challenged us with stepping away from the habit of the […]
Homeschool Science with Multiple Ages
Is it time to do our science lesson yet? We look forward to it. The reading of the science lesson during lunch. Not every day but most days we enjoy a lesson. We use several resources for all our ages. I’ll share them with you today as well as how we work them into our […]