Maybe it’s because I am in allergy-friendly circles but more and more I’m getting questions. Questions like: “My child was just diagnosed with both egg and nut allergies. We have to avoid eggs plus peanuts and all kinds of nuts. What do I do?” So today I am sharing a simple guide I emailed to […]
Around the web…March 2013
Raising godly sons in a godless culture | Christian News on Christian… Do Christian Parents Have a Fundamental Right to Homeschool? – The Gospel Coalition Blog WORLD | Where ‘little lies’ lead | Joel Belz | My Train Wreck Conversion | Christianity Today America’s Baby Bust – Book recommendation…for the pastor’s children | Practical […]
The Kia Rio Experience
A little red car. With a sun roof. And great gas mileage. A weekend away with some amazing friends. All that makes for a wonderful package. If you’ve read my Kia Optima hybrid review, you know that my husband has already said, “Maybe there just might be a Kia in our future…” Maybe. This time […]
Homeschool Books We Love
We’ve just finished up our reading obligations for the Six Flags Read to Succeed Program. Sometimes it can be a challenge to find books that will delight their young minds and feed their little souls. So, I thought I would share a few kid-tested, mother-approved treasures that we have discovered. (Disclaimer: I have not personally […]
I Paint As a Bird Sings
“I paint as a bird sings.” ~ Claude Monet Chickadee Three Little Chicks Robin Love birdsSandpiper shore birdAngry Birds art fun! Bird’s Nest “Every artist dips his brush into his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher I hope you’ll pull out the brushes, the pastels, the palette […]
Hodgepodge basket giveaway
Here at Hodgepodge, we are well, a hodgepodge. Some homemaking one day, a good dose of homeschooling, a slow cooker full of recipes, and plenty of art for all ages. So, it seemed fitting when putting together a basket for YOU, dear reader, to gather a hodgepodge of items. A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels […]
Happy Mom Basket Giveaway
As moms, it’s always nice to find encouragement. Our group of writers here at Habits for a Happy Home are offering that to you, dear readers! We gathered a basket of items we feel will make a happy mom. And we are giving it away! Be sure to enter to win via the rafflecopter widget […]
Fruit of the Spirit Jar: When it’s time to mix things up a bit
You know how sometimes you just need to mix things up a bit. You might need to do something new or it might be something you just haven’t done in a long time. The point is it’s something different from what you’re doing at that very moment. Well, a couple of weeks ago I was at that point. […]
God’s Special Work of Art
“Each one of us is God’s special work of art. Through us, He teaches and inspires, delights and encourages, informs and uplifts all those who view our lives… God, the master artist, is most concerned about expressing Himself – His thoughts and His intentions – through what He paints in our character… [He] wants to […]
When You Need to Catch Up
The calendar turned to March a week ago. March. We are usually finished with our school year by the first week of May. That’s because we start homeschool the last week of July. We choose to do this so that we can have the freedom to take off when we’d like to, refocus our December […]
The Best Laid Plans
In the classic Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie, two migrant farm workers, dream of “living off the fat of the land”. They dream of buying a farm of their own, living off the land’s resources, and being completely self-sufficient. George doesn’t want to take orders from anyone ever again. He is smart and […]
Life is a Great Big Canvas. Throw All The Paint On It You Can.
This quote speaks to me of freedom. Of permission. And of a child-like joy. These days when I share an art project we’ve enjoyed or Nana’s latest chalk pastel tutorial, I sometimes get this reaction: “Oh my children would love that but I’m just not artistic.” Or, “my children would love to come to your […]
Bundle of Hodgepodge Cookbooks
“It’s a recipe book that spans a century. It’s a snapshot of celebrations past.” I’ve shared before about that wonderful, red and white checked cookbook my mother gave me when I was a new bride. It contains a treasure of recipes, handed down from my great-grandmother to my grandmother to Nana. And then to me. […]