Have you ever had something you wanted to do, but it seemed like the harder you tried the more it didn’t work out. It could be something in ministry, a job situation, school decision or even trying to plan a vacation. I know I have and when roadblocks continue to pop up I am quick […]
“I heart Jesus”
From the 2008 Writing About the Journey archives… Today I went out to eat with my family. I went to the bathroom and on the back of the stall door was written “I heart Jesus”. At first I thought this was much better than reading the many other things that I have seen on the […]
Fresh Garden Veggies – Two Ways
Just steam them in the microwave with a little bit of water and a little bit of onion. Or all by themselves. Enjoy your garden bounty or some treasures from the farmer’s market. Eat lots this summer! (photos of veggies from my Daddy’s garden). Vegetables are beautiful, aren’t they? Tonight we tried a new slow […]
Slow Cooker Yogurt: Frugal Living
I’d read about this phenomenon. I’d bookmarked the post. I’d been meaning to do this for what seems a really long time. Why I didn’t until now? I’ll forever live with the regret. I had the recipe from A Year of Slow Cooking up on my laptop, following along yesterday. But it is really simple. […]
A Fun Summer Sunflowers Homeschool Study for All Ages
Enjoy these ideas for a fun summer sunflowers homeschool study and for having fun while digging deep into learning about these beautiful plants. Plant and grow sunflowers, journal their growth and make something with sunflower seeds too! A Fun Summer Sunflowers Homeschool Study for All Ages Last year, our affection for these summer beauties reached […]
Cucumber and Vinegar Salad
Simple and delicious. Some of the children even go for it. The Hillbilly Housewife has a good ol’ basic recipe, so that’s the one we pick. Click Cucumber Vinegar Salad Great with your veggie plate and cornbread. Even a good side at lunch time with some sweet tea.
Backyard Beauties
I borrowed my mother’s camera. In our backyard, my sister and I found…blue morning glory dandelion mimosa seed pod insects on mimosa. Bumblebee and… ladybug My sister with all the flowers she found. My maple tree. It was planted when I was born. Mimosa buds and leaves. grass mimosa flower a leaf something had chewed […]
Marsh: A Pastels Tutorial
A marsh made with soft, chalk pastels is Nana’s favorite. She loves how the setting sun is reflected in the water. She also enjoys the techniques that give the scene depth, the blending of trees, the tapping in of grasses. So, one afternoon recently, she brought her new set of pastels. She showed us all […]
Two Step Pound Cake
No sifting. No alternating. Just put it all in together and bake it. Make this cake and I promise you won’t think the same way about pound cakes ever again. It’s the only pound cake I’ve made for almost a dozen years now – since Southern Living published this recipe in February 2000. I still […]
Shoebox Shopping in July
My boys love to make shoeboxes every year for Operation Christmas Child. It is something we look forward to and I want to make sure we have plenty of supplies to fill multiple boxes. I shop year-round for items to put in the boxes and July is the best time to find school supply deals. Things […]
Bits of Summer Fun
I feel summer slipping away. The daylily blossoms are mostly bloomed out on each stalk. The back to school sales are ramping up. Extracurricular activities already have a spot on the August calendar. Me? I just want to keep the slower pace. Savor the simple. And so, we’ve been purposefully doing these summer things that […]
Summer Fun: First Week of July
Fireworks, frozen yogurt, new curricula, a new baby niece, Cow Appreciation Day and more! 1. The Big Chicken on date night | 2. Sunday dress | 3. Boy cousins watching the wheels | 4. Brothers on July 4th | 5. Homemade Celebratory Hat | 6. Hodgepodge poolin’ it | 7. Picking morning glory | 8. […]
Cow Appreciation Day
A couple of years ago we went all out for Cow Appreciation Day. We made t-shirts with cow spots for everybody – even the baby! We printed out cow masks, cow ears. We even spotted up some socks! This year we needed to make a new shirt for a growing boy. Three had fun whipping […]