Years ago I let go of the notion of the perfect holiday with all of its long list of ingredients and turned to the practical, enjoyable celebration. This goal was met with a few, simple steps. I’m sharing that with you, too. Simple holidays for the homeschool mom. What do you think of when you […]
Holidays and Breaking the Rules
Oh I am such the rule follower. However, today I’m going to share about having simple holidays and breaking the rules. Also known as doing those to dos early. December is such a busy time in our homes and homeschools, why not move a few of those ‘to-dos’ to November? I did all of the […]
Thanksgiving Homeschool Celebration
A captive audience. That’s what you have in family and friends on Thanksgiving. Each year at this time we share what we call a Thanksgiving Homeschool Celebration or a unit celebration of our first semester of homeschool. Basically, we show off the best of our homeschool work and projects while the Thanksgiving side dishes are […]
Van Gogh Experience for Homeschoolers
What an experience! The Van Gogh Experience was our daughter’s choice for her birthday celebration. This art museum is truly an immersive experience. Our entire family definitely felt immersed in Van Gogh’s beautiful works of art. Especially in the immersion room after walking through the galleries! The Van Gogh Experience would also be a great […]
Celebrate and Learn About Veterans Day in Your Homeschool
I am sharing specials and resources to help you celebrate and learn about Veterans Day in your homeschool! Celebrate and Learn About Veterans Day in Your Homeschool Because you might be planning to learn about Veterans Day in your homeschool, I have gathered some free and fun resources for you to enjoy. If you paint […]
10 Habits for The Family Table
The habit of family gathered for a meal is one that spills over and blesses in so many other areas of family life. Today, I share several helpful posts from our authors to make 10 Habits for the Family Table. The incredible gift of the ordinary! Glory comes streaming from the table of daily life.” […]
Why You Should Take an Art Museum Homeschool Field Trip
It is one thing to study a piece of art or an artist with a book or an online artist study. It is quite another to see a piece of art in person – and to see, up close, the actual brush strokes by the artist. That is one reason why you should take an art […]
10 Ways To Build The Healthy Habit of Laughter
Studies have shown that laughter is healthy, healing. It may even have benefits similar to a light workout! And we all know the verse “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.” (Prov. 17:22) Let us consider the healthy habit of laughter. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said […]
Thinking About Homeschooling For High School?
If you’re like me, thoughts of finishing school begin creeping into your mind and you wonder what you need to do to get ready for the next school year. September will be here before you know it, right? Are you thinking of homeschooling for high school? Homeschooling For High School You may have given the […]
A Season of Rest
Last week I noticed a few trees here and there with a tint of fall color. Today a shower of brown oak leaves on the porch and lawn. I went out to investigate and sure enough the first thing I noticed was that at 11am it is only 70 degrees outside! The second thing is […]
The Imperfect Homeschooler’s Simple Guide to the College Search
Deep breath. You’ve reached it – the college search. As a homeschool parent, the college search may have seemed so far off. It certainly did for me. However, it is fantastic journey to be on with your high schooler. My high schoolers and I have learned a few things the last four years. We are […]
Easy Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins Recipe
Each fall we welcome the season by making this easy gluten free pumpkin muffins recipe. The best thing is this recipe is just two ingredients. Years ago we used regular ingredients. But as our dietary needs changed, so did the ingredients. These are so easy to make I often find they are a Saturday morning […]
Should I Homeschool My Child? Help for Getting Started
You may be wondering, should I homeschool my child? Where do I even start? How do I make the decision to homeschool? Well, each and every family is unique. That is exactly why homeschooling may be the answer for you. Because you have a family like no one else, you have the freedom to design […]