Nana’s Old fashioned peach cobbler recipe is very simple to make and uses a boxed cake mix! Great for family celebrations or any time. My mother (Nana) makes this for dessert for family birthday lunches. And we just enjoyed it following last Sunday’s lunch. The way to enjoy this peach cobbler recipe on a Sunday […]
Everything You Need To Create The Perfect Homeschool Schedule For Your Family
Are you new to homeschooling? You may be wondering how you will be able to teach your school age children the three “r’s,” fit in all the other subjects, and still have time for other things? Will you be able to get to the household chores and appointments AND pay attention to your younger children? […]
How to Start a Homeschool Routine
I am sharing some favorite tips and resources for how to start a homeschool routine. A dear reader, Kimberly, asked: “Any advice on starting a homeschool routine for the first time? For us, it’s kindergarten so our first “school” day routine ever! I’m wondering how to make the transition from six years of all day, […]
Have a Back to Homeschool Planning Date
I had not back to homeschool school planning dates with each of my children this week. It is always good to take each of my children out, one-on-one, and chat about this BIG year coming up. There’s just something special about designating time for just the two of us to talk. I thought you might […]
Everything You Need to Know About Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum
Imagine this scene…. You’re new to homeschooling, and you’ve filed your notice of intent (or whatever is required in your state). You have cleaned out the guest room, added desks, and created a “school room” (or you’ve just cleared off a space on the kitchen table). You’ve even purchased a set of bookshelves from a […]
Helpful Habits for Homeschool – Before 8:45
Last week of the ER visit, I spoke of good intentions and three basic helpful habits for homeschool. This week we gently folded in and fell back into our morning routine and homeschool schedule. Habits help. Especially the helpful habits for homeschool in the Before 8:45 Checklist. Helpful Habits for Homeschool – Before 8:45 Checklist […]
Taking Care of the Homeschool Mom
As homeschool moms, we tend to forget ourselves and take care of everyone else in our families. Yet, we need to take care that we do not neglect our own grooming and appearance, as these are important to help us feel our best. Following are my tips for taking care of the homeschool mom with a simple […]
How to Get Started Home Schooling – 10 Steps to Success
Recently, a new acquaintance approached me hopefully. “Could I get your advice on how to get started home schooling?” she asked. Since putting together a plan of action for this lovely woman, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I were to share how to get started homeschooling with our readers?” If this is your […]
Need Help Getting Started With Makeup?
Why, then, would you even want to wear makeup? I believe makeup has a dual purpose: to enhance, and to cover.
Easy Chocolate Chip Cake Recipe
Made from a boxed cake mix, this is the most simple, celebratory, chocolate chip cake recipe I know of. Perfect for any holiday, birthday, dessert after a Sunday meal or just because! You can even opt for a gluten-free version with a boxed gluten free cake mix. Easy Chocolate Chip Cake Recipe 4 beaten eggs […]
Young Mr. Moon Chalk Art Tutorial
This is a pastel painting that I completely thought up myself. Young Mr. Moon Chalk Art Tutorial – instead of the Old Man in the Moon! Young Mr. Moon Chalk Art Tutorial Supplies: I used a medium brown construction paper and these pastel colors: light brown, white, black, light and dark blue. Start with your […]
Break for The Overwhelmed Homeschool Mom: Just step outside
Feeling Overwhelmed As A Homeschool Mom? The easiest way to take a break and reset. How to get a fresh perspective. Sometimes when it’s been a full day. When the patience is tapped. Or the noise is a bit much. I just step outside. Just for a minute. And I take it in. The hydrangeas […]
Georgia Peaches Chalk Art Tutorial
In celebration of Georgia’s most famous crop, we offer a Georgia Peaches Chalk Art Tutorial. The delicious sweet peach. The state’s nickname fruit was first planted in Georgia in the 18th century, and is still an important fruit crop today. Peaches rank 3rd in production in the U.S. We produce more than 40 different varieties […]