I love being married. But let’s face it… there is always something that tries to put a damper on the romance so carefully kindled during courtship and the newlywed period. Whether it’s dirty diapers, screaming toddlers, financial troubles, a leaking septic tank… I could list 100 things, but the fact is, God designed romance in […]
Manners Monday
This idea has been inspired by some previous posts here at Habits, as well as my recent realization that I have completely dropped the ball when it comes to teaching my children manners. Of course they know the basics of please, thank you, and you’re welcome, but there is so much we have missed. It […]
Nana’s Fudge Pie Recipe
A super easy and wonderful treat you can make in very little time. Nana’s fudge pie recipe can even be easily made gluten and dairy free. This is another one of Nana’s recipes she shared in the red and white checked cookbook she gave me when I was a newlywed. Nana’s Fudge Pie Recipe Nana’s […]
The habit of the table
I have heard many women over the years tell me how they hate to cook or they can’t cook. Some see it as just another chore to be done during the day. Sometimes I get to feeling like that. When I start thinking that way, I have to remind myself of the words of the […]
10 Helps for Building Habits
January is the month so many are working on, hoping to and longing to establish new habits. And, yes, we are a website devoted to Habits for a Happy Home. So, here we are a couple weeks into January. How are you doing? You may be wondering how do you make habits stick? Today we […]
Pocketful of Sunshine
Right now, as I am typing this, there is a war going on above me. No, I’m not referring to spiritual warfare. This is in the physical realm of my son’s bedroom. There’s is more thumping and banging than a floor should be able to withstand. Before I stomp over to the stairs and ‘call’ […]
Home Economics, Updated
This year, I’m down to one student in our family homeschool. Along the way, I have made changes, tweaking each child’s education, finding improved curricula for math or science, adding special projects to English and history, and incorporating electives for each child’s interest. With my youngest that meant adding a home economics class. So here […]
Fitting in Homeschool Subjects
One of the joys of homeschooling is designing the schedule that best fits your family. There are so many creative ways for fitting in homeschool subjects. And that creative learning can change, adapt and adjust as your children grow. Fitting In Homeschool Subjects – One More Thing After Lunch In the early days of Hodgepodge […]
Memory Making in Your Homeschool Day
I want to encourage you in the area of memory making in your homeschool day. I promise you will want to look back and remember all the little moments. Here are some practical photo tips to capture those details with your family. We all have them. . .little, insignificant moments that make up our days. […]
Hodgepodge Helpful Homeschool Habits
If you have stopped by here at any time, you know that we turn to some basic Hodgepodge helpful homeschool habits for the framework of our days. When my children were younger, we all needed routine so that we knew what to expect. Now that my children are graduates, young adults and teenagers, those habits […]
Layers of Homeschool: Lasagna Learning
In this series, we will dig deeper into the helpful habits that have blessed our homeschool. And I’ll share some updates on how those habits have grown up with our children. Just how to teach multiple ages all together? Well that is just what lasagna learning is! Lasagna learning is a lovely mixture of ingredients […]
Reflecting on Life’s Seasons
Recently, I spent some time reflecting on God’s goodness in the seasons of life. Sundays are good for that. Well, every day is good for that. But Sundays are especially good because of worship, rest, taking a walk… Reflecting on life’s seasons. Reflecting on Life’s Seasons Each season of my life has had different kinds […]
How to Fit in the Extras with Unit Studies
One way we fit in homeschool extras is to do the learning together. All the ages, all the children studying one or more subjects – matching each child’s age and ability. Here is how to fit in the extras with unit studies. Extras with Unit Studies Make it Easy We do this weekly, the whole […]