Have you broken in your flip flops yet? Made s’mores? Caught some lightning bugs? Well, this list of summer fun ideas is sure to get you going or wear through your flip flops even more. A few from our archives and some new summer sunshine as well… Summer Camp at Home – morning devotional, mess […]
Top 10 Favorite Websites to Use for Homeschooling
Today I’m sharing two top ten lists! I’m participating in Angie @ Many Little Blessings‘ Top Ten Tuesday and with iHomeschool Network’s Ten Weeks of Top Ten Lists. Bonus! In addition to our Favorite Websites to Use for Homeschooling below, today I’m also continuing my Mama on Vacation series with a Top Ten Ideas for […]
Mama on Vacation: Surf and Turf
This whole week I’m sharing a series from the 2010 archives. Oldies but goodies. Because my old iWeb site is soon going away and I wanted to share these posts with you. And because, to me, with school wrapped up, I feel the pull of the ocean. Summer always means beach. So come along for […]
12 Easy Summer Recipes
Edible Sand via Household Ways Yoo Hoo Ice Cream by Southern Plate Shrimp Salad Easy Cucumber Salad Cucumber and Vinegar Salad Veggie Plate Avocado Egg Salad Guacamole Hummus Spinach & Fruit Salad Cookies & Cream Meal Plan: Just a Sandwich (whole lot of recipes!) My Egg-Free Tuna Salad (not made with mayo!) recipe at Food […]
Summer Wish List and Reading
We officially finished our school year last week. Yet, last week our days were filled with plenty of learning with our homeschool Drama Troupe’s production of The Jungle Book. This week I have been tying up loose ends. One is writing Narrative Report Cards following Barb-Harmony Art Mom’s excellent example. We’ve done these for the […]
Resources for Moral Living
Today I share with you some of the resources I turn to often: Bible Gateway – now available for iPhone and iPad Answers in Genesis Joel C. Rosenberg’s Blog Plus a new resource we just recently discovered: GloBible App – a review at Homeschool Post (along with a list of more apps for families) You […]
Slow Cooker Vegetables Feed the Larger Family
As we head into the summer months, my beloved slow cooker switches into high gear. See, I try and avoid using the oven if at all possible, so the slow cooker gets a lot of use. We all know you can save money and feed the many by serving garden vegetables. One way I save […]
around the web…
I have been blogging around the web posts on my personal blog for a few years, and thought I might also share some of my finds here at Habits. Five misdiagnosed symptoms | The Cripplegate In the Emergency Room, decisions of life and death are regularly made with extreme pressure and very limited information. Symptoms […]
Timez Attack Multiplication Review
We’ve enjoyed Timez Attack by the Big Brainz company in our homeschool for several years now. These fun, multiplication games were recommended to us by my friends and fellow homeschool moms. It’s one of those resources we turn to when we know we need a little boost in multiplication practice. We’ll enjoy it through the […]
A New Season is an Opportunity…
to be conformed more and more into the image of CHRIST!! There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven— A new season may bring beauty, joy, and all kinds of wonders that our flesh and even our spirit enjoys, but it can also bring physical, emotional and spiritually sickness, […]
Would You Recommend Tapestry of Grace for Kindergarten?
You might know how much we love Tapestry of Grace (TOG) here at Hodgepodge. Recently, I’ve received a few questions about using it. I asked these ladies if I could share their questions so they might help others. I’ll start today with those questions about preschool and kindergarten ages. Melissa asked on the Hodgepodge Facebook […]
10 Creative Summer and Beach Art Projects
With only a few school things to tie up, my thoughts turn to summer. Projects you can enjoy at home or the seashore! The Art of the Drip Castle – How to Make a Drip Sand Castle. Maybe the backyard sandbox? How to Make a Homemade Handprint Crab T-Shirt Beach Umbrellas Chalk Pastel Tutorial At […]
5 Chocolate Recipes
Time for some chocolate love! 1. Chocolate Chip Cake – our favorite, throw-it-all-in-the-Bundt-pan, all-occasion cake. 2. Oreo Truffles – three ingredients and allergy-friendly for our crew. 3. Fudge Pie (you can even create a slice with pastels – includes a chalk art tutorial!) 4. Microwave Fudge – another three-ingredient, simple favorite. 5. Nana’s Famous Chocolate […]