Frugal. Delicious. Will feed a crowd. But most of all – easy. These muffins are so simple to make and have such wide appeal, they’ve easily become a go-to recipe in our home. You’ve likely seen the chocolate version. But what about the spice cake version? I was surprised at how many my teenagers gobbled […]
Homeschool Makeover the Frugal Way: The Family Room
Today I am away at the Apologia Live Retreat here in Atlanta. I’m tweeting live from the event for Heart of the Matter. Just follow HOTMonline and the hashtag #apologialive for updates! While I’m away, I’m sharing the last part of our family room makeover. The family room being one of the rooms where much […]
Same Life, New Story
Life is God’s novel; let Him write it. ~ Isaac Singer Perhaps it’s time for a new story.
The Habit of Hymns
I have an old hymnal – one passed down. I’m not sure how it came to be on my end table. But I’m sure glad it is there. I’ve always loved the old hymns. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul, When at the cross the Savior made me whole… Like many, I was […]
Spring Discoveries in Our Backyard
I asked my mother if I could use her camera to take some pictures outside. This is what I found: Flowers Trees and Seeds Clouds and Sky Anoles Siblings I had a really fun time finding nature in our backyard. Thank you Handbook of Nature Study! See you next time!
10 Easter and Spring Recipes
There’s just something about spring time recipes that makes it a little easier to deal with an hour of lost sleep. Me? I don’t mind daylight savings time too much. Because it means more daylight in the evenings. And that means more walks in the neighborhood. Sunshine just cheers everything. And so do these good, […]
Homeschool Makeover: History Shelf
The Problem: Spending time searching for what we needed to start our history studies. History books scattered throughout the house. Supplemental material getting lost in my stacks. Answer: IKEA Expedit shelf! With two baskets for all those Tapestry of Grace extras (e.g., Map Aids and Writing Aids discs, Pop Quiz and more). Yes, on another […]
let’s not forget the power of prayer
The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. James 5:16 Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, […]
Tapestry of Grace for The Teacher
Last summer I hosted a Tapestry Tea in my home. Now that this school year is winding up this is the question I am getting… But I feel overwhelmed by Tapestry of Grace. How do I make it work? Never have we ever done all of the subjects each week. Tapestry is truly a smorgasbord. […]
How to Reach What You Need
Don on a Varsity hat while reaching the lollipops… Mama might not notice the muddy backyard boots. What’ll ya have?
He’s got the whole world…. and Arcturus… in His hands!
My son has been asking a lot of good and interesting things about God lately. “Mommy, where is God? Why can’t I see him with my eyes?”, my little logical little boy says. After fumbling a good bit over my words, I try to point Trey to what he can see: His creation! My little […]
How to Get Back in a Routine
That was the question this week. How to get back into a routine after a couple weeks of sickness. The answer? A hodgepodge. A mixture of these: Lower expectations. Do just the basics. Then, fall back into your habits. Leave room for spontaneity. Lower Expectations I reminded myself it was ok. Really it was ok, to […]
10 Easter and Spring Arts and Crafts
Sharing Easter and spring arts and crafts to complement the change of seasons! Bird’s Nest: A Pastels Tutorial Tornado: A Pastels Tutorial Handprint Easter Lamb Three Little Chicks: A Pastels Tutorial Bubbles: A Pastels Tutorial Queen Anne’s Lace: A Pastels Tutorial Wedding Shower Paper Chain Book Lover Wreath (Wreath made from paperback books) Decorate […]