Yes, we can make Valentines. Claps, squeals. Stickers, pink and red construction paper, sharpies all mix together and little hands churn out love notes. Littlest concentrates. An eldest boy is not too shy to make a special sentiment for a teacher at church. Stacks of valentines are pushed aside. Glue dries. Lunch is served and […]
Fast Food for Slow Sundays: Rotel Cheese Dip
Sometimes when you come in from church, you just need something to munch on right away. Or you might need a good ol’ basic dip recipe for the upcoming Super Bowl. If you already know about Rotel Cheese dip, let this serve as your reminder of this tasty and simple snack. Rotel Cheese Dip Ingredients […]
Hodgepodge Homeschool Highlights
Favorite photo of the week – on our nature walk in the backyard. We stayed close and really got to learning this week. You know, those afternoons when all of sudden it’s time to make supper? Yep. Whew! One highlight – the two older girls tried out for the spring Drama Troupe production of The […]
Slow Cooker Batch Cooking Navy Beans at $5 Dinners
I really love it when my slow cooker can do the work for me. January usually means a freezer and pantry challenge, including rice and beans. So, about once a month I batch cook some beans to tuck away in the freezer. Especially in the winter months, that means navy beans. Join me at $5 […]
Can you get a visual here? Have you ever tried to bathe a cat? It’s the funniest thing in the world and it can totally traumatize your cat. They eventually dry out and forget about the bath but it leaves a lasting impression on them. The same is true with some kids and math. Most […]
Twigs Nature Study
dew on backyard maple At daybreak, I’m switching the clothes from the washer to the dryer when she comes, all excited. “Mama, have you seen the fog? The dew is glistening on the birch tree. It’s beautiful!” Nature study in the early morning. Right after breakfast. The two of us! We step outside into the […]
The Power of Paint with Water
I have kept paint with water books on hand since my eldest was in the high chair. It’s a simple project to pull out. For the littlest ones up to adults. (I still love to sit and paint a picture.) Often, painting helps beat the mid-morning fussiness or the afternoon grouchiness. Join me at Habits […]
The Power of Paint with Water
I have kept paint with water books on hand since my eldest was in the high chair. It’s a simple project to pull out. For the littlest ones up to adults. (I still love to sit and paint a picture.) Often, painting helps beat the mid-morning fussiness or the afternoon grouchiness. It’s just water. Place […]
Valentines to Make: Crafts, Pastels and Recipes
A recent example of love.. I hear myself let loose a long, exasperated sigh as I bend down to pick up the tiny scraps of paper that litter the floor. Across the room a small voice says, “I love you Mama.” My littlest guy keyed into my tone and he turned it around. Love does […]
Fast Food for Slow Sundays: Slow Cooker Cream Cheese Chicken
Another favorite recipe we enjoy from Hillbilly Housewife. We double the amounts for our family. Click over for the recipe. For more Sunday lunch ideas – that can be enjoyed any day of the week, see the other recipes posted here in the Fast Food for Slow Sundays category or Fast Food for Slow Sundays […]
The Biggest Lesson
Hold your hat – it’s a real Hodgepodge this week… Why did this girl deserve an Oreo McFlurry? Another ER visit. All because of a whiffle ball. But you won’t believe it. So I have to tell you. It was deserving of a whole ‘nother post. And was the biggest lesson we learned all week: […]
The Accident and the Amazing Answer
Above is a cartoon version of the amazing accident we experienced yesterday. It really was a crisis at the time. A traumatic Thursday. My motherhood and faith were tested in several ways. Here’s Middle Girl with her part of the story… I was in little brother’s room playing with him after lunch. I was playing […]
The Habit of Improving
Last October, the Human Resources department where I work scheduled a leadership conference. All of the managers and directors for the organization were required to attend. Most of the people I work with thought this would be a colossal waste of time. There was simply too much to do to spend two days away from the […]