As a fellow homeschool mom, I know what it’s like to feel worn out by all the options online. But I also know that homeschooling can be simple and full of freedom. That’s why these fabulous homeschoolers and I hosted a FREE Your Best Homeschool event! SIGN UP For The Event HERE: Your Best Homeschool […]
How To Take Advantage of Your Homeschool Schedule
Even rule followers can take advantage of a homeschool schedule! Balance assignments with the opportunities the Lord puts in your path! Oh I am such a rule follower! So, in writing this and sharing about our week of how to take advantage of a homeschool schedule, I am speaking to myself too. See, I have […]
A Homeschool Mom’s Guide To Homeschooling Preschool and First Grade
A homeschool mom’s guide to homeschooling preschool and first grade. Includes weekly learning activities and encouragement for the day to day! Today I’m highlighting the little ones – our preschooler and first grader. Here we are half way through the year. Here we are in February and that makes me want to cling to the […]
What a Simple Homeschool Week Looks Like: Keep on Keeping On
An example of what a simple homeschool week looks like with multiple ages. Nothing spectacular and just pretty simple and basic. Friends it has truly been a hodgepodge these last two weeks. We are learning a variety of things in a variety of ways. But I believe that the overall theme of our learning has […]
A Mom’s Helpful Habits for Homeschool Standardized Testing
A mom’s helpful habits for homechool standardized testing includes practical tips from what test to use to how to schedule testing for multiple grades. After we took a homeschool spring break, we started our week with required standardized testing. It was a productive yet interesting week of juggling things with our multiple ages. I am […]
Simple Homeschool Science Activity: Food Coloring Flowers
Enjoy a simple homeschool science activity food coloring flowers! This can be a great option to dying Easter eggs and offers beautiful results! Science Fun: Food Coloring Flowers Rather Than Dying Easter Eggs Our Middle Girl shares the fun we had with this simple science activity. We have always dyed eggs for Easter. It’s fun […]
Homeschool Night Classes and Other Benefits of an Alternative Homeschool Schedule
Homeschool night classes might just be the alternative homeschool schedule you are looking for! In addition to meeting needs with a changing schedule, you can build memories together as a family! Though I share about homeschool habits almost every week here at Your Best Homeschool (formerly Hodgepodge), ours seem to be changing daily! We have […]
Starting Your Homeschool Journey
When starting your homeschool journey consider building routines that will become the foundation of your homeschool days. Even though I’ve been homeschooling awhile, I too sometimes question what I’m doing. Am I doing enough? Did I make the right choice? Is xyz curriculum what this child needs? And sometimes I feel like I have no […]
Back to Homeschool Basics
Building independence, focus and relationships with back to homeschool basics. Here is an example of a week homeschooling multiple ages! Back to Homeschool Basics I am seeking those ancient paths. Honing and focusing, cutting out all the unnecessary. It goes back to keeping those long term goals in mind for each child. So, this past […]
How Morning Room Time Builds Preschool Homeschool Learning Skills for Later
How morning room time builds preschool homeschool learning skills for later and the independent learning benefits I’ve seen in my children. My two youngest children have outgrown our long-time homeschool habit of morning room time. Today I am sharing the benefits of this habit I’ve seen in all my children. Just how room time builds […]
Writing Workshop for Homeschooling Multiple Ages
I decided we would call this week a Writing Workshop for Multiple Ages. Something about a workshop makes it a little more fun, don’t you think? A workshop implies all sorts of things and reminds me to pull out all the resources. Writing Workshop for Homeschooling Multiple Ages Sometimes in our homeschool we just need […]
How to Skip the Homeschool Sidetracks
Raise your hand if your homeschool day ever gets sidetracked. (Me raising my hand.) Sidetracks are sometimes a glorious route for learning – following a trail to learn a little more about a certain subject. I’ve shared about those type of homeschool sidetracks here at Hodgepodge before. Those are the good sidetracks and I’m all […]
Fast Food for Slow Sundays: Potato Soup Recipe
Talk about a perfectly easy potato soup recipe to make a large amount of and share on Sunday for lunch! Talk about frugal! With this recipe, you can make it on the stove top or in the slower cooker. Make potato soup on Friday or Saturday and warm it up for the the whole family. […]
Mid-Year Homeschool Reboot – Helpful Homeschool Habit
Does your family need a mid-year homeschool reboot? Each January, we are slow and steady and somewhat reluctant to get back to homeschool. Through the holidays we stay up late, sleep in a little, watch movies and enjoy no schedule. How about you? We simply enjoy each other. Speaking of enjoying each other… A long […]